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BFT Sea Weed Poll - Democratic Nomination
[center]BFT Sea Weed Poll[/center] [center]seeking a democratic nominee for 2008[/center]

[ul] [li]This is only a poll [li]You can debate each candidate pro and con [li]you do not have to be a dem. to vote on this poll. [li]this poll close after the national nomination has been made.[/li][/ul]

Lets make our voice heard across the nation.

Make your choice wisley, some one may just vote baised on the way you voted here...

[center]========================[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Joe_Biden%2C_official_photo_portrait_2.jpg][/url]
Senator Joe Biden [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Hillary_Rodham_Clinton.jpg][/url] [/center] [center]Senator Hillary Clinton[/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Christopher_Dodd_official_portrait.jpg][/url]
Senator Christopher Dodd [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-John_Edwards%2C_official_Senate_ph...rtrait.jpg][/url]
Former Senator John Edwards [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Graveldnc07.jpg][/url]
Former Senator Mike Gravel [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Dennis_Kucinich.jpg][/url]
Representative Dennis Kucinich [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-SenatorBarackObama.jpg][/url]
Senator Barack Obama [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Bill_Richardson%2C_official_DOE_photo.png][/url]
Governor Bill Richardson [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-General_Wesley_Clark_official_photograph.jpg][/url]
General Wesley Clark (Ret.)[/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Al_Gore%2C_Vice_President_of_the_U...t_1994.jpg][/url]
Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States[/center] [center] [/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""]Dal LaMagna[/url][/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""]James Prattas[/url][/center] [center] [/center] [center][url ""]Danny M. Francis[/url][/center]

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Dave T Clown
[red][font "Times New Roman"]Your Message Board Administrator[/font][/red][/size][/center]
[center][url ""][Image: cgb_index_nstory.gif][/url][/center][center][/center][center][/center][center]^ Check this out ^[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][#333366]The Clinton Gun Ban Story[/#333366][/url]
when you get to to the page above click on the clinton gun ban story to see the vidio[/center] [center]
[url ""][#333366]Headlines[/#333366][/url]

[url ""][#000000]Fact Sheets[/#000000][/url]

[url ""][#000000]Articles[/#000000][/url]

[url ""][#000000]Frequently Asked Questions[/#000000][/url] [/center] [center][/center]
[url ""]Obama's Foreign Policy Advisor Dismisses Differences With Hillary As Nuance[/url]

Posted on August 17, 2007 at 2:22 PM.

Since the modest beginnings of the public dispute over foreign policy between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton last month, Obama has argued in increasingly sharp terms that he offers a new, fresher approach to dealing with international affairs.

As Obama himself said in his breakout session at the YearlyKos conference last month:
By the way, you may have noticed that over the last two weeks I've had the entire Washington establishment, foreign-policy establishment, folks who collectively helped press for the biggest policy fiasco in our generation, accusing me of being too inexperienced because I had the temerity to suggest that we might want to try talking to our enemies as well as our friends. And I welcome those fights. I love those fights. Now to go to the issue of Republicans.

[url ""]Read the full story ยป[/url]
I think John Edwards would get my vote for the nomination.

A few interesting proposals from John Edwards:


-Wants to raise minimum wage to $9.50 by 2012.
-Wants to crackdown on payday and other predatory loans. (I like this)
-Triple the earned income credit for single adults and eliminate the marriage penalty.
-A new "Get Ahead" tax credit to match up to $500 a year in savings for families earning up to $75,000.
-Universal health care coverage due to how expensive drugs and health care are (I find this comical. If he didn't spend his entire law career sueing doctors and hospitals then maybe health care wouldn't be so expensive)


-Wants all American combat troops out of Iraq in 12-18 months through a gradual drawdown (from now)
-Feels that by leaving Iraq, it will put pressure on the rest of the international community to help (we'll see)
-Wants to incent Iran to stop making nuclear weapons (I thought we didn't negotiate with terrorists or their supporters... their president is a real nut job)
[center][url ""][Image: cgb_index_nstory.gif][/url][/center][center][/center][center][/center][center]^ Check this out ^[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][#333366]The Clinton Gun Ban Story[/#333366][/url]
when you get to to the page above click on the clinton gun ban story to see the vidio[/center] [center]
[url ""][#333366]Headlines[/#333366][/url]

[url ""][#000000]Fact Sheets[/#000000][/url]

[url ""][#000000]Articles[/#000000][/url]

[url ""][#000000]Frequently Asked Questions[/#000000][/url] [/center] [center][/center] [/reply]

cmon the nra is a powerful bunch of liars that refuse to understand that the US needs some kind of change when it comes to guns , ,


so no nra site is gonna have a shred of truth in it, sorry dave . . .

heres a link to how the nra lied and distorted the last election:

[url ""][/url]

Kerry hung him self with a 12 gage shot gun. He made a speach and could not get his hands on an illeagle weppon for a demistration so he brandished a leagle upland bird gun in his speach.

I noramaly dont vote on what I hear polititions say on the tv. Kerry had my vote untill he stepped up on stage with a twelve gage remington shot gun and said, "When you elect me as your president I will get rid of asult wepons such as these" and pumped the gun. every small game hunter across the country reconized the 12 gage shot gun, and when he called it an asult weppon he was all done.

no body did that to him, he did it to him self.

My nephew who is a die hard democrat said he couldnt vote for kerry after that, so he wasnt going to vote at all.... He said if he cant vote for a resptctable Demecrat he wasnt going to vote. Come ellection day, he took his twelve gage shot gun which happend to be identical to the one in his speach and went rabbit hunting....

I agree that gun laws need to be changed. I dont agree that we need to place further restrictions on guns.

I had to wait 2 years to get my first hand gun permit because I had to many traffic violtions. "6 points" You cant get a hand gun in the state of michigan if you have 6 points against your driving record.

how ever if you rob a store with an illeagle gun you will do two years hard time for the robbery if you get caught, no charges for the illeagle weppon, no charges for commiting a crime with the use of an illeagle weppon, no charges for commiting a crime with a weppon period.

You want to fix the crime rate, you have to arrest and convict and sentance any one who is in possesion of an illeagle weppon or commiting a crime with a fire arm.

the only people that more restrictions will hurt is the law biding citizens. It will not hurt criminals.

the law that needs to be changed is if you are in possesion of an illeagle weppon or you commit a crime with a weppon you will be charged for a fellony and be sentanced 10 years with out the posibility of paroll. It has to be a sepperate charge aside from and in addition to the crime being commited...

Just being in possesion of an illeagle fire arms has to be a crime equal to murder and rape. "that is stolen, un registered, illeagly imported, fully automated fire arm" Then and only then will you see a change in how crime will be commited. It wont stop crime, it wont stop rape, murder, robbery, auto theft, ect.... You have to concider a person who commits a crime with a fire arm to be as hainess as a child molester. and will have to be teathered and his where abouts known for the rest of his life.....

the law would be pretty simple, you steel a gun, you go to jial for 10 years, you buy an ileagle gun you go to jail for 10 years, you commit a crime with a gun you are going to go to jail for 10 years tacked the time for commiting the crime and be teathered and on probation for life when you get out....

one thing you can say for cirtain is that in the past few ellections we have had to endure mud slinging patrinizing speaches the never delt with the real issues.. campain promices that cant be delivered. debates where candidates will not answer the question... As far as I am concerned, if a candidate cant answer a question on stage at a debate then they should be asked to leave the stage, I dont want to hear any more what that person has to say.....

they are all guilty of it, both sides.

If ya cant stand up on your own, Show that you are willing to represent those who elect and did not elect you in to office, you have no business on stage or holding office, you should get out of the way for the true comunity servents to step in and let them do thier job.

It is wrong as sin to get up there and start ranting about what is moral and what isnt. Any one who thinks that a vote for them is a vote against guns and preaches to the affect is not representing the entire nation but his own personal ajendas.
There is one thing about the current laws that dose perterb me, I lived here for 30 years and couldnt get a hand gun permit, yet a person moves in or visits this country can get a permit to pick one up in a few days... That is just wrong.

I can see if some one ordered it and have it shipped out of the country, but there is no reason for some one to ever have unsupervised possesioin of a fire arm if they are not a citizen of this country.
The problem is that every state has their own laws. I've had a permit for 33 years before they went crazy on local folks haveing to have a class. State police issued one to me after the town did a backround check. Here if the Chief of police doesn't like giveing them out your in for a long wait. I do believe some backround should be done to keep them out of the hands of felons. But don't bust them on the law abitting citizen. It use to be I could carry while hunting in Maine, no more.We need a national license for all hand guns. It's my right!!
You mean a national regestry for hand guns...

I agree fully on that. But that dosnt have to be a presidential function. All states have to do is to find a central data base where all registered guns and registered fellons can be kept and maintained.

I would have thought something like that would have already been implimented. there are groups of states that collectively compile drivers licenses and driving records to the point you cant get a license with out first taking up residency, "6 months"

as you know, I planned on moving to another state, I have already called ahead to verify what I have to do when I move from michigan to there.

so far where I planned on relocating to all I need do is check in at the county police station with my papers and arms and have them registered there. Thats not to invasive, I look at it like a curticy call that might jump start my being able to aquire other permits faster because they can run a background check based on the one that has already been compleated.

In michigan we can carry hand guns while hunting, providing it is registered to the person carrying it. If you want to barrow a hand gun from a buddy to hunt with you have to go to the county and get a barrowers permit... It states the number of days it will be in your possesion, and the perpous for which the gun will be barrowed. and if you want to conceal it you must have a conceled weppons permit, otherwise you must carry it in open site.
I watched the Iowa Demicratic debate this morning,

the one issue that did not come up was weather or not each of the candidates planned on invading the civil rights amendments by imposing further gun restrictions on US citizens.

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