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BFT Sea Weed Poll - Republican Nomination
[center]BFT Sea Weed Poll[/center] [center]seeking a republican nominee for 2008[/center]
[ul] [li]This is only a poll[/li] [li]You can debate each candidate pro and con[/li] [li]you do not have to be a rep. to vote on this poll.[/li] [li]this poll close after the national nomination has been made.[/li][/ul]

Lets make our voice heard across the nation.

Make your choice wisley, some one may just vote baised on the way you voted here...
[center]======================[/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Fred_Thompson.jpg][/url]
Fred Dalton Thompson[/center] [center]former Senator [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Pataki_cropped.JPG][/url]
George Pataki[/center] [center]former Governor of New York[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Alan_Keyes.jpg][/url]
[b]Alan Keyes
[/b][/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Chuck_Hagel.jpg][/url]
[b]Senator Chuck Hagel
[/b][/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-NewtGingrich2.jpg][/url]
Newt Gingrich[/center] [center]former Speaker of the House[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Tom_Coburn_official_portrait.jpg][/url]
Tom Coburn[/center] [center]Senator from Oklahoma[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Tom_Tancredo%2C_official_Congressional_photo.jpg][/url]
Representative Tom Tancredo [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Mitt_Romney_2007_profile_portrait.jpg][/url]
Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Ron_Paul%2C_official_109th_Congress_photo.jpg][/url]
Representative Ron Paul, M.D. [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-John_McCain.jpg][/url]
Senator John McCain [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Duncan_Hunter%2C_official_photo_po..._color.jpg][/url]
Representative Duncan Hunter [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Mike_Huckabee_speaking_at_HealthierUS_Summit.jpg][/url]
Mike Huckabee[/center] [center]former Governor of Arkansas [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Giuliani_closeup.jpg][/url]
Rudy Giuliani[/center] [center]former mayor of New York City [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""][Image: 100px-Sam_Brownback_official_portrait.jpg][/url]
Senator Sam Brownback [/center] [center]([url ""]website[/url])[/center] [center][/center] [center][Image: 89-user_icon.jpg][size 1]

Dave T Clown
[red][font "Times New Roman"]Your Message Board Administrator [/font][/red][/size]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3]I like either Giuliani or Romney for the Republican nomination. I also think that any combination of the two for Pres and VP would be hard to defeat in an election.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3]Both of these individuals have held offices in very Liberal areas of our country with success. Both of them are not afraid to speak thier minds, and they are not afraid to hurt somebody's fealings. [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3]Giuliani has an excellent track record for reducing crime in NYC. He also knows first hand what the effects of not dealing with terrorists can be, and I think he could effectivly continue to defend the US. The only downfall I have for Giuliani is how he would handle Imigration reform, I would like to see his views be a little stronger in this area.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3]Romney while govenor of Massachusetts was able to pass one of the best Health Care Reform bills ever. Although the end bill was not exactly what he wanted, he showed the kind of leader he can be by the wilingness to put the people of his state ahead of any political party, and work with the oposition to come up with a bill that works. The only downfall for Romney will be his faith (although not for me). [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3]Although many other candidates of the Republican party are deserving, I would like to see these two individuals represent thier party.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#808000][size 3]Later,[/size][/#808000][/font]
[size 3][black]I am inclined to go with Romney[/black][/size]
[size 3][black] [/black][/size] [ul] [li][size 3][black]Mit is no stooge! That is a fact. He knows that the economics of a nation dose not lay on the bottom line of the stock market, but lays on the shoulders of the working class America for which this republic stands. He knows it is the working class Americans fighting here and abroad. He has made this point clear in his campaign. [/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]I can expect to see a clean campaign from him [/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]I can expect to see him sticking to the issues, for which if you ask me is a refreshing change in politics.[/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]He is from Michigan and has seen the degradation of his home state for which I believe gives him a greater incentive over every one else to set things straight or at least in the right direction.[/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]I have no doubts in my mind that he can be effective, militant, yet humane commander and chief.[/black][/size][/li][/ul]
[size 3][black]I am not all that impressed with Giuliani. [/black][/size] [ul] [li][size 3][black]911 being his best marker I believe is week as for what this country needs to get back on track.[/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]The murder rate in NY is not that far below Detroit. [/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]Economics is the number one factor for the crime rate in any state, city or country. I don’t believe that he fully has this concept down yet. It is apparent that our current administration doses not have the concept down either.[/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]I agree he must take a much stronger stand on immigration both legal and illegal. Flooding an already starving workforce is detrimental to any economy. This also attributes to added crime when locals are put out of work; they need to find an income from somewhere. This directly leads to theft and murder as it runs hand in hand with local economics.[/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]I do believe that Giuliani could learn much in the position of vice president under Romney for a couple terms, unfortunately by the time he developed the needed experience if willing to attain it, it would be much to late for him to use it 8 years from now. I would not be apposed to a Romney Giuliani ticket.[/black][/size][/li] [li][size 3][black]if it came to a Giuliani and Clinton race, with out a doubt I would go with Giuliani. I am as much apposed to Hillary Clinton being president as I was G. W. Bush, J Kerry and A Gore. I thought for certain that Americans along with the rest of the world was getting sacked no matter which way we went. As it turns out I was right. All four of these people have personal agendas that would be and is detrimental to our democracy. I hate when I am right![/black][/size][/li][/ul]
[size 3][black] [/black][/size]
[size 3][black]If by some freak of nature that Clinton takes the Democratic nomination, I would almost expect Romney to jump party lines and seek Edwards or Obama for the sure win. This way we could have the best of both worlds, We have two credible men there who are young enough to take forward the experiences acquired in the white house and carry it on for a total of 4 terms creating a greater stability in the world economics not just our own. [/black][/size]
[size 3][black] [/black][/size]
[size 3][black]This would not be the first time we had a republican president and democratic vice president in the White House.[/black][/size]
[black][size 3][/size][/black]
[black][size 3].[/size][/black]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]I agree with you about Bush, Gore and Kerry. I did vote for Bush for his first term mostly based off of Gore's environmental outlook. But I didn't care for how he was running the country and I would like to have had a change. But Kerry wasn't it. [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Until the Democrats wake up and realize that it is the more moderate people like myself that makes up a vast portion of our country and not the radical left wing of thier party thier chances of winning are slim. [/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Anyway I also like Romney more than Giuliani, but I don't think if he is nominated he will pick a Democrat as VP. The main reason for this is the Dems are already playing dirty with eachother and by time nomination time comes I think everyone will have ruined what respect they have with the people. But I woulnd't mind seeing Biden run with Romney, I think that would be a good combo.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Later,[/size][/#808000][/font]
Agreed, Democrats have commited political suicide in the last two ellections and aperrently is aiming to do so again on this one.

Republicans are just as guilty in the last two elections.

I just hope the Republicans dont follow suit again on this ellection other wise we will have clintion on the next ellection and with the majority of the house being democrat she is in a good possision to pass her anti gun laws...

I totaly agree we need now more than ever before a clean running republican candidate who will take an about face on the bush administration's actions. Any thing less will result in a clinton predency and the loss of hunting fishing and the bill of rights as we know them...
I've always like McCain, but Romney asppears to have the best shot at it. Being republican won't be easy in this election unless something drastic changes.
[center][url ""][Image: cgb_index_nstory.gif][/url][/center][center][/center][center][/center][center]^ Check this out ^[/center] [center][/center] [center][url ""]The Clinton Gun Ban Story[/url]
when you get to to the page above click on the clinton gun ban story to see the vidio[/center] [center]
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I'm a fan of Ron Paul myself. He's the right man for "drastic changes!"
Wow... you and I are pretty much on the exact same page.

I think Guiliani has a GREAT chance of getting the nomination and winning the presidency.

Just imagine if he wins the 31 electorial votes from New York... (which Kerry won in the 2004 election) I am not saying it's going to happen, but if it does, that's a guaranteed win for the GOP.
guilliani is lying scum

[url ""][/url]

no way the republicans will vote for a pro-choice candidate, you just got too many bigots, racists, and sky pilots

more lies for romney:
[font "Arial"][size 4]Romney's Economic Miracle[/size][/font]

[font "Arial"][size 3]
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney erred when he claimed U.S. job growth had been nearly 17 times faster than that of Europe:[/size][/font] [indent][font "Arial"][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Romney: We are the largest economy in the world. We’ve added [/font][/size][/font]–[font "Arial"][size 3][font "Times New Roman"] during the time Europe added 3 million jobs, we’ve added about 50 million jobs in this country.[/font][/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 3]That miraculous-sounding statistic is way off. It has taken since the end of 1978 for total employment in the U.S. to grow by 50 million jobs, according to official figures kept by the [url ""]Bureau of Labor Statistics[/url]. But total employment for the 15 core members of the European Union (those who joined before 2004) grew by well over 33 million between 1978 and 2005, according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ([url ",3305,en_2649_201185_1_1_1_1_1,00.html"]OECD[/url]). Europe has added even more jobs since. In fact, the 27 current EU nations[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 3] added nearly 3 million new jobs last year alone, [url ""]according[/url] to the EU statistics agency Eurostat. That's well over the 2.3 million jobs created last year in the United States.

Romney was misquoting an outdated and highly dubious figure, which was used by an author who no longer stands behind it. Romney cited a 2005 article in The American Enterprise magazine, published by the pro-business American Enterprise Institute. In the article, titled "America Still Beckons," author Joel Kotkin wrote: "Since the 1970s America has created some 57 million new jobs, compared to just 4 million in Europe (with most of those in government)." Kotkin told he wouldn’t use the figure today.

[font "Arial"][size 3]We concur. The 4 million figure is a somewhat garbled version of what another author, Karl Zinsmeister, had written in another American Enterprise article from 2002, “Old And In The Way (Decline and Fall of Europe).” Zinsmeister put the figure at 5 million [/size][/font][/size][/font]–[font "Arial"][size 3][font "Arial"][size 3] not 4 million or 3 million [/size][/font][/size][/font]–[font "Arial"][size 3][font "Arial"][size 3] and the time period as "since 1970," rather than Kotkin's "since the 1970s," which implies a somewhat more recent time. “I don't know how it got changed," Kotkin said. In any case Kotkin told us it was his sense that Zinsmeister's 5 million figure referred mainly to Germany and France, not to all 15 pre-2004 European Union members, let alone the 27 current EU members. In any case, it refers to statistics covering years prior to 2002. “This was an old number,” Kotkin said. His advice: “I would not use that.” [/size][/font]
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[font "Arial"][size 3]sm

[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Boy SM you must be really concerned about Romney. Not only did we get the link we also got the article cut and pasted.LOL[Tongue][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]I did check out the website and it isn't all that bad of a site, but they do lean a little left. I don't mind seeing bad things about Republicans or Democrats I just like things to be fair and balanced.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]But one thing to remember about people you and me included, we all lie at one time or another in our lives. Politicians are no exception.[/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3][/size][/#808000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#808000][size 3]Later,[/size][/#808000][/font]

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