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More Lies from bush
Quote:Summary [font "Arial"][size 3]President Bush played loose with the facts in his address to the nation Thursday night as he tried to convince the American public that the surge in U.S. troops in Iraq has made the country more stable[/size][/font]
[font "Arial"][size 3][/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 3]read all the lies here:[/size][/font] [font "Arial"][size 3][/size][/font] [url ""][/url] sm
"I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. lewinski." I bet ya won't find that LIE on one your little dot-org web-sites. If you really want to foreward your agenda why not post up about the candidates that ARE running for office. Bush already won, TWICE and that's gotta be just killin you. By the way, the Dem led congress' overall approval rating was at 11% this week.
bush won once, and once was court appointed . . .

for exactly how many decades are you neo-nuts gonna bring up the clinton BJ lie ???? he hasnt been in office for 6-1/2 yrs, and thats all you got . . .

youre right about congress, they should have completely stopped the government when the last war funding bill came up until they removed every last cent in the bill for iraq besides bringing em all home

oh it isnt killing me that bush won once, but its sure killing alot of innocent iraq's and us servicemembers. . .thats for sure


I'm gonna catch hell for saying this but...
I think we should have nuked afghanistan and iraq in the first place and stayed home. Wow, did i really post that?
why throw Iraq in there - SADDAM HUSSEIN DID NOT HAVE ONE dogDAMN THING TO DO WITH 911 nothing, nada, zip

he was a persian, a secularist, he hated arabs - he didnt have a damn thing to do with them

A completely diff story that the stinkin taliban, they were giving bin laden full protection and safe passage . . . and we never finished the damn job there !!!! cause bush and his neo-con freaks had this stupid holy war/get payback for daddy planned way way back . . .

Nut job? I think you got ahold of some bad stuff at that dead concert back in the sixties. Haven't you learned by now that insults properly characterize everything you write. Clinton could have spared us all your conspiracy chatter if he simply would've taken BL when offered. That's the job we're trying to finish. By the way, if hil gets elected I expect you to pay for my health care.
the job we're trying to finish ???????????????????????

dont tell me bush thought bin-laden was in iraq, did he??????

if he was going after bin-laden we'd be in pakistan right now.... everybody knows thats where he is...except bushie obviously..

and i saw the dead in the late 70's to late 80's . . not the 60's

Why the hell you askin me? Thought you had it all figured out.
ever hear of medicare ding dong ???????????

youre already paying for nearly half of america !!!!!!!!
(except for the 20% the seniors have to pay - thats where the insurance racket makes their filthy buck)

you want sh1tty health care and pay out the a$$ for it, be my guest . . its a f'ing great system we have . .

Health care costs me nothing fool. My job provides it.
youre the fool, doncha think that counts as pay and allowances . . doncha think you're working for it, just cause you dont pay the HMO a monthly check, doesnt mean it aint coming outta your a$$ . .

OOPS! My bad, why stop there?? Just wipe that part of the world out all together. Solve alot of problems, oil, terrorists, camel t*e5, haha, had to throw that one in for myself.[sly]
Who gives a flyin fetch if Saddam had nothing to do with 911? Are there not terrorists in Iraq?? Are they not tied to AlQaida?? You can come back with anything you want pal, but i am completely one-track minded and nothing you will ever say will hurt my feelings or change my mind...[Wink]
I say alternitive power source, so oil becomes dirt cheep. once they have nothing of value, we will no longer have any intrest there. War over....

but then ford would have to sell off all of his worthless bush oil stocks and quit building oil guzzling carz... LOL and Bush would be left holding his oil can.

Ya, I got it all figured out...[Tongue]
[center]Dave T. Clown[/center] [center]For President[/center]
I laugh when people try to tell me that Bushs' "War Objective" is money. Who can possibly believe this? If "oil" was the objective, we would have blown Saudia Arabia off the map.


I understand you are somewhat mentally challenged. I fully understand how it could happen. With so much liberal indoctrination, its bound to happen.

For some strange reason, I thought we had every reason and justification to go into Iraq. I thought that Sadaam Insane had broken UN resolution 1441. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I don't agree with everything Bush does but he at least had the guts to do things Clinton and the UN wouldn't. You ought to ask the Curds in Iraq if they are thankful for our troops. You know, the ones he tortured, burned and killed.

And please don't bring up Clinton and Bin Laden. The Sudan offered him to Clinton and he refused. Did he do anything about the embassy bombing in Africa? Did he do anything about the bombing in Yemen?

Do you think the world is better off without Sadaam?
cadman - its not money for US citizens, its money for the bush oil team

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the facts are all there for anyone to see, the bush is all about oil oil oil, and hes killing people to get it, with hatchet-man cheney leading the way

no, just because a soverign nation violates some UN order, that isnt grounds for war, or nation-building, or whatever . .

I love how you servies quote UN resolutions in one breath, and call for its destruction in the other . .

sure the kurds are happy, but what about the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DEAD IRAQUIS ! YOU KNOW THE ONES WE 'LIBERATED'

I didnt bring up clinton, its always the neo-nuts that do that, you love to shift the argument away from how bush took us to war on lies that he knew were total bs, the proof is all there, they cherry picked that info and sent it back and forth to the cia so many times for clarification, "can we say that", "can we say this" - and bush lied lied lied the dirty sob

clinton lied to screw monica
bush lied to screw the US

sounds good lunkerhunter, just make sure all your kids are lined up at the recruiting office when they hit their 18th birthday, to go serve in your f'ing holy war against islam

I tell ya, I dont know which is worst, the bush oil embargo or the clinton stock airplane scams.[crazy]

What on Earth are you talking about? I can't stand the UN. However, you liberals that like them. Therefore, I brought up the point that they agreed on the resolution, now everyone is crying about it. BTW, you will have to get some better sources tin order to convince me.

Also, provide a source that shows this war has cost "Hundreds of Thousands" of lives. Sadaam killed and would have killed far more people than this war.

I will end this post by asking you 2 additional questions: If Bush and Cheney are so "Oil" hungry why don't they just invade the Saudi's? Why don't they just nuke Iraq and take it then? They could drill through a few feet of glass?

An Ultra Conservative from the West
I think you missed his point, its not that Bush wants more oil, it is that he wants to control oil prices. (I think that is what he is trying to say)

nixon did it, then reagon did it, bush daddy did it, now little BJ is doing it well.[Tongue]

Bush owns oil wells out in the gulf. I know people who worked for bush oil. Here is the kicker, the oil wells are off shore, bush oil headquarters is off shore so he dosnt pay taxes on crude. On top of which Bush dosnt sell his oil on the US market, he puts it up on the world market where we have to bid on our own oil against other countries.

* This is what I think he is trying to say, He can coorect me if I am wrong.
one point of intrest,
Nixon proved he could create an oil embargo with out having war, Nixon had started the shut down of nam, Ford finished it and got credit for it.

Note, I did not say any thing bad about ford. not this one any way... LOL

when regaon bushdaddy and bj put together programs that allowed american jobs to go over seas it colapsed the value of the american dollar. The oil industry dosnt want the dallar at its value unless they get more of them. hence putting oil on the world market insted of the US market.

nixon realy screwed up this country when he took us off of the gold standard to what ever it is we got today, there is nothing to back the value of the american dollar other than our land.

BJ could not get the war backed by american bankers, so he has been barowing money from china to suport this war so we truly are in debt up to our wazoo.

here is an astonishing fact, it cost 10 thousand dollars to buy a dog in japan, and yet there are 56 million registered pet dogs in japan.

your prabably wondering what dose that have to do with the price of tea in china? we are the ones paying for that tea. man we just had a tea party 232 years ago.[shocked][laugh] My great great great great great grand daddy was the guest of honnor, the brittish hung him for it. ya I am waving that dont tread on me flag again... LOL

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