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Riversend Tackle report
November 9th, 2007

STRIPED BASS- It ain't anywhere near over. The run of 1 to 2 foot
schoolies that we see in mid-October are here in force now. Theres a bunch
of them in the mouth of the Connecticut River, Niantic Bay, the Rhode
Island Beaches and inside Napatree Point. From shore its been good at
the Causeway and the Jordan Cove Bridge for the little guys. The Race has
mostly small to medium sized bass while Long Sand Shoal has some
jumbos on drifted eels. Hatchetts Reef has small to large bass on jigs such
as Storm Shads. On the bait front, the adult bunker have all but
disappeared but the peanuts are still here in force, hickory shad are still
in the Connecticut and Niantic Rivers.

BLUEFISH- They are still here but not as many. Some jumbos are still
in the mouth of the River and Long Sand Shoal. The mouth of the Niantic
River also has some real big boys.

BLACKFISH- Still real good and big. Southwest Reef is good to great
with most anglers getting limits. Hatchetts has smaller fish and some
bigger ones at Black Point.

PORGIES- Season closed/

BONITO, FALSE ALBACORE - They're still around with fish being spotted
off Harkness and Jordan cove this week.

BONEFISH- No they're not in the River but we're expecting them south
this winter. We have a group trip to Los Roques, Venezuela in February.
For more detail call Pat 860-388-2283.

HOURS- Monday to Friday 7am-6pm----- Saturday 6am-5pm------Sunday 6am

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