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My Apologies. Flies on the way soon.
Sorry for the delay in getting the flies out. Our family has been sick for the last two weeks, and my baby girl was in the hospital twice with croup so bad she had to get shots and watched. We are on the down hill slide so I can turn my attention back to the swap. I didn't get all the flies, but I want to get them out. Let me say these looks really good everyone. I had an offer to post the stories to a web site, but I think I will work with DryRod to post the stories here (maybe in a poll) and I will not tell who's story is whos I will just number them. Send me a PM with your vote and I'll tally the votes and declare the winner. Give me a little to get the stories up. Thanks everyone for your patients.

[font "Pristina"][green][size 4][cool]Hi there katghoti sorry to hear of all the illness in your family. We certainly understand the delay in forwarding the flies along. Family always comes first. Good luck to you all.[/size][/green][/font]
The family certainly takes priority. No sweat. Hope things turn around for you quickly.
...Ill third it.. family is always the priority.. everyone understand that.. hope all get completely well soon.. is never a good time for anyone when the family is sick..

.. take your time and let us know if we can help in anyway...

MacFly [cool]
Thanks one and all for the support. My daughter is doing better and we are finally on the down hill slide of this. I will be posting the stories this week and sending out flies. I have to admit to everyone that I "cheated" due to the family sickness and bought (gasp) a dozen prince nymphs for the tie, however I did tie all the Tabou Caddis, so all is not lost.

... hey.. the rules stated.. tied or bought..[Smile] so Id say you are completely in the clear..

..glad to hear your daughter is on the mend..I know that makes life easier..

MacFly [cool]

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