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Who was saved
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[/font][font "Arial"][size 5]Hillary and Obama were on a boat. [/size][/font][font "Arial"]
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[/font][font "Arial"][size 5]The boat sank in a big storm. [/size][/font][font "Arial"]
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[/font][font "Arial"][size 5]There was no life preserver.[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 2] [/size][/font][font "Arial"][/font]
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[/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 5]Who was saved???????[/size][/font][font "Arial"]
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you dont know what america is supposed to be about, let alone whats good for her future . . .

it sure aint repooplicant finger pointing, war-starting, and hatred

I can say the same thing about you SM but what good would it do[unimpressed]. Just because you think you know whats best for our great country, doesn't make it so, thank goodness.
its def scary to think that anyone would vote for mccane and his "4 more yrs of this republicant crap"

i hope we can get to the issues eventually, like the fact that mccane wants to bomb iraq, keep the nation broke like bushie has done, and keep dismantling the new deal

good joke,

the way I heard it was the white house, senate and congress were taking an ocean cruse on the tax payers bill...

....... and who was saved,

Our kids future...
Yea, the Dems control the House and the Senate and all their promises for making big changes have been for not. I'm not sure how you feel about it Dave but in my opinion disaster awaits out country if a Dem gets in as president and everything is run by them. I guess we will see what happens in less than 6 months.
Not half as scary as your boy obama cow-towing to the thugs of the world. Exactly what issues do we "need" to get to? More social responsibility, more programs, more taxing and spending? Sounds like higher taxes to me! First thing the demorats need to figure out is how to get Florida's voting system up and running, then worry about how your gonna run the country.
[quote wiperhunter2]Yea, the Dems control the House and the Senate and all their promises for making big changes have been for not. He has a point SM. Nancy promised big things and nothings happened.
just because they have control (a majority) doesnt mean they can override a veto (3/5) . . .i love the way bush has ruined this country, but you repoops point your fingers once again at congress, who has been in a little more than a year


ps was those tax cuts worth it ? we got $4 a gallon gas and americans in body bags out of it, great deal huh, oh yah dont forget the 6-9% real inflation we're feeling now
Honestly I doubt that it will be a 'disaster' regardless of who is elected. It certainly may not be ideal however.

It seems we are currently looking at 2 candidates now who are both better than Bush, but we are left to figure out which is the worst of 2 evils (in my opinion).
I agree our choices are limited this year but I really do believe disaster could await us if Obama is elected. I keep hearing him say change, its all about change. With his track record or lack of any long term record all we have to go on is his short term experience and in my opinion that isn't a good enough. If he does end up getting in as president, I hope he proves me wrong but I won't be the one voting him in.
Yes, I agree it is a bit hard to know what he'll do. Sometimes he seems to just say what people want to hear. McCain I think is better than Bush by several orders of magnitude, but I think I'd like to see a little more change in Iraq than what he is proposing.
I have had a hard time figuring out wich is worse, some one telling me what I want to hear or some one who just out right lies to me....

where clinton claims to have won a one sided election in the democratic race in michigan, our polls say differant, we say 58% for obama and 36% clinton..... so much for her her electability in michigan....

I still say John Edwards is the right man for the job... Sadly he is not one of our choices....[crazy] Again, Hillery hurt not only the democratic party but our nation and the world in the process by her carrying on's.... Further evidence to my in thinking she is of the old comunist regiem...

as for gas prices, look at how much is being spent by ociean freight to ship product over seas to this country...

its looking like 1929 all over again, only our government is bailing out the stock market and the working class americans are paying for it....
I think a lot of folks would like to see change in Iraq but let me ask you this question. Do you think it would be wise to pull out so fast that Iraq fell flat on its face and another dictator took over? Don't you think it makes more sense to pull out slowly, to make sure they can stand on their own two feet(so to speak)? We have invested all this time, money and human life and it seems to me it would all be for not if we were to pull out now. What do you think?
Man you sure can make a debate sound sexy with all the "pulling out fast" or "pulling out slowly" so they can stand on their own two feet!!! [sly]
It would seem better for us to do some type of slow withdrawl and make them accontable for cost and reconstruction help. They don't have the Git-R-done mentality as we do, so it will take along time to fix. We will allways have some presence there. What a mess.
That was my thoughts exactly, their slow attitude makes most Americans impatient. I sure hope there will be some payback for all the reconstruction cost but I'm doubtful. With other countries we have helped in the past (Germary Japan, Korea, etc), we still have a US presence.
I agree, we can't abandon the whole thing now. That would be even worse. For one thing, we invaded them. We attacked them, then to leave them unprepared to defend themselves would add insult to injury. We have to do it right, but I think we need to accelerate in any way we can.

What I actually wanted for us never to have gone in in the first place. When we first invaded, I was totally against it. There were other ways we could have got the job done, but now that it is what it is, we must clean up the mess.
pro's and con's to both methods...

pull out slow you leave the problem people in place waiting for the final withdrawal... hundreds or thousands of US and other Forgein troups get killed in the process. and in the end we have to go back in for another clean up.

pull out fast, it alows the next dictating Sadist to step up in to play faster, then we have our target fixed insted of guessing who is behind all the folly, of corse inocent iracians die or suffer in the process...


war is hell....

Stretegicaly speaking
to end the war faster you pull out fast, allow the next entity to take hold then you step back in and wipe them out, and you keep doing it untill they get the message that no matter who steps up in place to dictate they will be enialated. then and only then will you have a free Iraq.

I know this method is heartless, callassed, cruel, vindictive, but it is the only way these tribal leaders will understand that their old way of living is gone and will never again be tollerated.....

War Is Hell.......
[center]You have to remember, these people have been fighting for over 2000 years, waiting a generation or a dozen generations makes no differance to them.....
I would be a little more concerned about another country stepping in and taking over, like IRAN. I think that is just what they are hoping we will do.

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