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Coast Guard ship hits ferry
[size 2]Coast Guard ship hits ferry; no injuries reported

NEW SHOREHAM, R.I. (AP) -- A 140-foot U.S. Coast Guard cutter has collided with a Block Island Ferry carrying 257 passengers, but there are no injuries reported.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Lauren Jorgensen says the accident happened around 12:15 p.m. Wednesday, three miles north of Block Island.

The ferry was heading to Block Island while the cutter, named Morro Bay, was returning to its home base in New London, Conn.

Petty Officer Etta Smith says visibility at the time was about 200 yards. She says it's not clear what happened.

Smith said the cutter was not assisting the ferry when the crash occurred, and it appears coincidental they were near each other.

Smith says the ferry has a 44-inch-long dent about 5 feet above the water line. She says it's being escorted to Block Island by another Coast Guard ship.

Police said the ferry had not arrived at the island by shortly before 2 p.m.
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