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Just a little about a newbie here. I'm 51 a Texan I primarily fish anywhere I find water.
The big cats are my favorite to go after.
I have numerous other hobbies like black powder hunting wood working ham radio and dodging that pervasive honey do list(between you and me I always get caught). Yes I have snuck out numerous times to go fishing but we all know how that ended don't we!
My name is Steve and I hope to have a grate time here learning and who knows maybe helping someone.
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Well hi there Steve and welcome to the BFT. Thank you for taking the time to register.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]You just might want to give a howdy to the folks on the Texas forum. Here is the link: [/size][/#008000][/font][url ""]Texas_forum[/url]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]BTW feel free to drop in on any forum that interest you.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Hi MrSteve and welcome to the BFT.. as my co-mod and friend DR pointed out you may want to take a moment to give another how dee do on the Texas board.

You say you love big cats, what type of fishing equipment is your preference. The reason I ask is that we not only have boards for each state but also have boards on most types of fishing including fly fishing and float tube fishing. Feel free to check out those boards and see what you think.

Again, welcome to the BFT and I am sure you can teach us a thing or two and hopefully we can do the same for you (if not teach then a least answer a question here and there).

MacFly [cool]
Welcome aboard Steve. We are most delighted to have you here with us.

There are numerous boards here for many different types of interests. We even have a Cat board. Feel free to check out the Recipe board as well. There are many Catfish recipes there and you add some of your own as well.[cool]
you eat cat??? how can you do that to your housepet?
I just fight the dogs for them.

Haven't you gone to sleep yet? What time is it over there?
its only 8:30 pm here.. where is your over there???

[center][Image: happy.gif]
[center][Image: happy.gif][font "Garamond"][#ff0000][size 5]SWISH[/size][/#ff0000][/font][Image: happy.gif]
[center][Image: dumb.gif]
My bad. We weren't even in the same calender day when I wrote that. hee hee.

I just left Italy and we are now fishing in Norway for a 2 day trip. We leave for Portugal on Friday for 3 days and then to Greece.

I will be home by next Friday. I plan to take a couple of days off so that I can go fishing with some of my buddies.[cool]
Thanks for the welocme and I will check out the Texas link, until then here's waving a fin at 'ya
where in Portugal??
Hi MrSteve826, just joined myself and oh yes, learning much, been around Texas when I drove truck and sure is a pretty state, never got to fish there, heard it is awesome.

Had a buddy in Utah when I was there and we would go at night on the Jordan fishing for Channel Cats, I never caught any but he sure did and man, we did it up Cajun Blackened and, hold on have to wipe drool from keyboard, yes sir, that's eating !!

See you around, thinking I'll hang my hat for a while, been here so short and meeting great people, know you will too. Been wanting to learn fly fishing all my life too and never really had an in until I found these forums, real neat.

P.S. Beware some of the folks here are so funny, just the way they look at life if not joking, don't have your mouth full when you open their posts. you'll see.


[inline blckcatfish.jpg]
Wow, what a vacation, or if your working, where do I apply[Wink] , bet your eating pretty well !!! [Smile] safe return, BFS
I didn't like the sound of it when the mentioned it but it is called Portimao which mean Bad Port. ha ha

We are going to fish some of the grounds there on the South and head East to Manta Rota. (doesn't sound good either) that means Ripped Robe.

I hope the boat doesn't have some kind of screwed up name either.[pirate]
Sorry. No vacation. It's all work and no play. At least with the fishing log that I keep, I can easily figure out where I would like to come back and fish just for fun.[cool]
is that Manta Rota anywhere near Rota Spain?? I remember when I was stationed in Rota we drove across Spain and then took a ferry across into Portugal.. I dont know how it is now.. but Spain and Portugal are like night and day.. Portugal was cleaner, much friendlier, and overall cheaper.. Spain was the opposite..

I liked my time in Spain.. but I loved the three weeks we spent driving around and camping in Portugal..

MacFly [cool]
As the crow flies, they are about 60 miles apart from each other. Driving wise, it could be closer to 100 with all the terrain. Manta Rota is only about 6 miles from the border.[cool]
does the ferry run in and out of Manta Rota..

I remember it taking the better part of a day to get from Rota.. onto the Ferry.. and then into Portugal.. and like I said.. the difference was like night and day..

That is a long haul on a ferry. I will be in the area tomorrow so I can give you some more details.[cool]
Im not sure where we crossed... it was not that long.. hour or so on the ferry.. and I know we did not come straight out of Rota.. we drove across Spain.. then got the ferry.. this was almost 30 years ago.. LOL>..


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