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Obama or McCain, who's better for fishing?
I havent posted befor on here. Just wanna see what every one thinks. I donno much about their fish & wildlife policys but I wanna no more.
I'm not sure if either of them fishes. At least GWB is a Bass Fisherman.[cool]
I wanna go fishin' with George sometime. Not sure if Obama would wanna get his hands dirty though! Lol. There's a good joke on the Fishing Jokes section you can check out about which is the better fisherman. Early warning, its anti-Obama. Tongue I'm voting McCain all the way though. Palin and McCain are going to be a strong team.
Got any pics of GWB bass fishing in the last 8 years? He's no fisherman, no real fisherman spends time cutting brush when that time could be used for fishing. I'm just sayin. (notice I dropped the "G", just like Sarah does)

I don't think BO fishes, not much of a sportsman at all. Raised as a city kid with no father, not much exposure to people like us.
JM probably has fished and hunted a little. AZ is not the most watered state in the union though, so he probably is not much of a fisherman either.

Although this is an issue for me, I am more concerned with the failing economy and a solution to the Iraq/Iran/Pakistan/Somalia issues than hunting and fishing on a federal law level. I foresee no big changes in either national fisheries or migratory game laws.
There is an article in the October issue of Field & Stream about both candidates. McCain has a creek on his property in Arizona and a pond that they stock with catfish, bass and bluegill. WH2
Which property, or does he only have one in AZ? I know lots of people with private ponds on their property that they stock.
I'll bet that only Sarah has ever harvested much from public lands.
You a gun owner? If so, be concerned with who gets elected.
No, I stopped checking under the bed for the boogie man long ago.
No one who gets elected this term is taking my guns, no matter who it is. I don't have a Fed 200 permit so I am off the radar. I did not have to sign for my RCBS or my MEC. I buy powder in 1lb cans so I don't have to sign for them, lots of small purchases. Ammunition is the answer, not guns. Person really only needs a few guns, couple of rifles, a single AK, couple of shotguns, some .22's. It's ammo they need.
The second ammendment has been around a long time, to change it would require the efforts of 2 consecutive senates and a two term president working together to make a change in it. All while the people are rebelling and stockpiling. Make no mistake, the second ammendment has nothing to do with hunting rights, it was put in place to provide the citizens of America to own weapons suficient to over throw a tyranical government.
You can thank Al Capone for the demise of that, and Sarah Brady for the more recent attacks on gun ownership. But, as has been demonsrated to both Russia and the United States in Afganistan, you don't need high tech weapons to overthrow a government, A toyota and some small arms can do it.
You just keep buying ammo at least once a week for what ever weapons you do own and we will be fine. As long as every gun owner does that, they will never come for our guns, not when they suddenly realise that there are 4 billion rounds of pre-loads out there and they have no idea where.
I have no idea what or where he has property, I was just reading the article in F&S. You are probably right though most rich folks don't rub elbows with the common folks[Wink]. He did say it was on Oak Creek and that is in the Northern part of the state. WH2
Sounds like the perfect place for the boogie man to hide would in fact, be under your bed. Look, I'm not concerned that one day (all of a sudden) the government will show up at my door step and demand my guns (not sure where you got that). I am concerned that little by little, bit by bit my rights will be compromised and infringed upon by some special interest groups like peta or alf. There are a ton of people with a lot of money that are actively trying to nibble away at those rights and the person we put in Washington has a huge impact on the success or failure of those plans. It may not even be something that we notice in our lifetime but to refuse to acknowledge that special interest groups that want your guns don't exisit simply plays right into their agenda. By the way, I also keep a fair amount of ammo on hand and I also don't have a problem if the government knows it.
I used to live where to even own a handgun you had to attend a class, get a background check, be sponsored by a permit holder and wait 6 months before you could take delivery.

I now live where with less qualification I can carry a concealed weapon in the galley of my state legislature. At least three of the legislators are also packing, probably more.
Some pecking has been done, part of it, to me, is having to sign for large amounts of ammo and powder. I don't have to sign for big packs of toilet paper at costco or 5 gal cans of paint. Having to sign for a case of ammo or 5 lbs of powder has not always been the case. I didn't have to do it when I started to reload or shoot alot.
common sence dictates that laws only affect law biding citizens, not criminals.....

ergo it is pointless to pass laws against lawbiding citizens.[Image: surprised.gif]

but when you look at our economy, and if common sence was allowed to rule, we wouldnt be in this financial mess.[Image: dumb.gif]
[quote Troll] A toyota and some small arms can do it.
You just keep buying ammo at least once a week for what ever weapons you do own and we will be fine.

Rileyfish Writes:

Brotha, I think you are the boogie man. Folks like you are who the the FBI are watching and know about. Your only fooling yourself. If they dont know about you I'm sure they will.

Yes I am a gun owner and have plenty of ammo and reload also. But im more concerned about your mind set and thought process more than anything.
Said the guy with his arse out in his avatar!
I felt the same way. Kinda like the militia mentality, but not very well regulated.[Wink]
Thats original.
Once a Marine, always a Marine.
Or whatever...[cool]
mccane wants to drill in federaly protected lands and ocean fronts " wild life reffuges" which means "hunters and fishermans keep out" they dont want any one around when a spill happens so they can claim some off the wall story as to why tax payers have to pay for the spill.

so far I havent heard any thing about obama policies.

but from what I can see, they all would make good chums...[:p]

we are long over due for some common sence in government...
Isn't that a contradiction in terms?

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