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Hello from sunny(yeah right) Indiana
Hello BFT, I'm happy to have found this site, I'm very impressed and busy reading all of the stuff on here, fishing pictures everywhere too 5 stars.
My name is Larry and I'm the creator of a group called IndyFishing as you can tell. We're trying to get Indiana motivated more to fish and stop watching the Colts lose so much. Anyways, it's good to be here, I look forward to meeting some fellow fishermen and making new friends. Take care everyone!
[fishin] Welcome Indyfishing To BIG FISH TACKLE!!
You will find that you can get good advice from this site.
[size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000][Image: happy.gif]Hi there IndyFishing and welcome to the BFT. Glad to hear that you are finding interesting boards as you surf around. [/#008000][/font][/size]
[size 4][font "Garamond"][#008000]BTW how is your baseball team doing? LOL[Image: bobwink.gif] At least you don't have to worry a team that wins a record 100 games and then forgets to make a showing in the play offs.[/#008000][/font][/size]
hey.. it could be worse.. you could live in the area of the Chargers and the Padres.. here in San Diego either one of those names is how we spell LOSER!!
Larry.. welcome to the BFT and thank you for taking the time to register.. it is appreciated..

Im sorry to hear you have such a PEYTON problem in your state.. :-) (sorry had to take that shot)..

We have numerous forums here so at least one or two should catch your interest.. to help you on the way a bit here is a link to the I[url ""]NDIANA[/url] forum where you will be able to hook up with anglers in your area..

hope to see mores posts, with pictures, of your fishing adventure and as always.. please do not hesitate to ask questions if you run into any problems..

Well, we don't have much of a baseball team to speak of. We've got the Indianapolis Indians,they're not pro though, and I don't follow them enough to know how they're doing lol. We do however, have the Colts, a team that won the superbowl 3 years ago, but now they play kinda like the Waterboy, the receiver catches the ball, stands there and looks at it until someone just plows over him. Oh well, I guess it's ok to act like an idiot and get payed a couple million for doing it.
lol.. act like an idiot and .....

now that was funny..

MacFly [cool]

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