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ice fishing for gills
how many people on this site love to fish bluegills like i do..i use a spring bobber fovorite tear drop [changes often]drill alot of holes and have vexalr in one hand pole in the other and check holes til i find em .i love chasing em.although iwill set up camp and stay ther if i find them .also i always keep my jig moving and change motins often to see what they many avid bluegill fisherman do we have out there..
go to the photo gallery and look in to my photos, you will see gills galore... [:p] every one a taisty tidbit... [cool]

more than half caught through a hole in the ice... [:p]
i got into them for the first time this year. i had an awesome time! the vexilar and i will be back [Smile][cool]
chasing gills is a highly adicting type of fishing...dont flan on being home on the weekends...if you get a chance check out the icegator electric ice auger [online]..just type in thing will drill 100 plus holes on i charge youl never run out of holes to check with your vexilar...

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