04-15-2009, 03:03 PM
So I bought a couple of baitcasters which I have yet to actually cast into the waters. I bought a Bill Dance combo for Bass Pro
Shops (BPS) as an entry-level or starter, then I came across a combo deal I couldn’t pass up even though I had never fished with a baitcast reel. It’s an Abu Garcia Revo SX paired with a Berkley Bionix (or something like that) rod.
I had BPS spool the Bill Dance reel up with 12lb mono. I haven’t spooled the Revo up yet because I’ve been going back and forth on what I should spool it up with. The Revo is going to be my workhorse-all application reel. I don’t have the means to buy several different reels for every situation so I want to get the most out of what I have and set it up the best way to cover most applications.
I’m pretty basic or simple when it comes to fishing. Usually fish on the weekends with the kids and brother. Mostly crappie, trout and bluegill and the occasional catfish that comes strolling by. I have gone after bass and caught a few, but I’m not the tournament qualifier type that spends hours going after them. But with my new Revo I want to get out there and go after some of the more challenging species this spring.
I hear so many different opinions regarding the different types of lines to use and what to use them for I’ve gotten
. I’ve only used mono from the time I was 5 years old casting with a Zebco 202 til now. I’ve heard good and bad things about Floroucarbon and braid lines. The main thing that concerns me with those lines are the knot strength. I don’t plan on being in real heavy cover, but I want plenty of strength for times I might be. I’m leaning towards Suffix Braid. It’s been highly recommended. Just wanted to get some opinions on what you guys would do.
Shops (BPS) as an entry-level or starter, then I came across a combo deal I couldn’t pass up even though I had never fished with a baitcast reel. It’s an Abu Garcia Revo SX paired with a Berkley Bionix (or something like that) rod.
I had BPS spool the Bill Dance reel up with 12lb mono. I haven’t spooled the Revo up yet because I’ve been going back and forth on what I should spool it up with. The Revo is going to be my workhorse-all application reel. I don’t have the means to buy several different reels for every situation so I want to get the most out of what I have and set it up the best way to cover most applications.
I’m pretty basic or simple when it comes to fishing. Usually fish on the weekends with the kids and brother. Mostly crappie, trout and bluegill and the occasional catfish that comes strolling by. I have gone after bass and caught a few, but I’m not the tournament qualifier type that spends hours going after them. But with my new Revo I want to get out there and go after some of the more challenging species this spring.
I hear so many different opinions regarding the different types of lines to use and what to use them for I’ve gotten
