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JDK, Riverpark, Spots/Smallies, 4/20
<br /> Had today off for good Friday since I had to work good Friday b/c of our schedule so hit the riverpark for probably my last trip for a few weeks as I am about to be moving.. Started off slow but picked up around 2 oclock. Boated around 20 spots(no size on them but all were fiesty), and right before i left caught a nice smallie that weighed 2.8 lbs.. It put up a nice fight and just crushed a white war eagle spinnerbait.. All fish today were caught on green pumpkin tubes and the white spinnerbait. Fish seemed to be a little shallower then usual today and were related to points and rocky banks as the current was minimal.. Gaining some confidence in a spinnerbait as I really never throw them much.. I think it was the first smallie I have caught on a spinnerbait..<br /> Was a nasty morning but the afternoon was beautiful, that 82 degree high for this Saturday looks great..Ready to put the coveralls in storage<br />

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