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Rogers Lake
Hit the water at 6:30 with rain gear and headed north. Threw it all and it proved to be another day for pickerel. Bob did pick up a bullhead on a ticky worm. [Image: icon_rolleyes.gif] Water at v61 degrees, overcast skys and sighted the first bed of the year, but NO Bass. Next week will be granddaughter day of [Image: fishing.gif], then I'll go salt for the rest of the month. Hope those stripers stay around. Oh yea, 12 pickerel for the days catch. [Image: signsBS.gif] Kill them if you can. Hope you can get away in a few weeks Tom.
you should try reverse[#0000de] [/#0000de][#000000]psychology,and go for pickerel,then you will catch bass,lol[/#000000]
They are in there. Hit it up with the Sluggo.
I've had some great days there, just not this year yet. Stripers are calling right now. I'll be back there. Welcome to BFT.[Smile]
Do I have to come up there and teach you gow to catch fish again LOL LOL LOL
Your welcome any time. But we found the honey hole today. It was unreal. Dented the boat and lost my cover on the highway some where and I don't care. It was a day you dream about.
lost the cover to what,boat or motor
Cover for the boat. I had it rolled up and covering the electronics, and when I pulled out in the am forgot to take it off and didn't see it in the dark.[crazy] Found one online for $65
oh,i didn know that,i know when we left the ramp,there was nothing to blow out,so i was thinking the motor cover fell off

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