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who got there weekend flooded out...
around here we got alot of rain..allthe rivers and lakes are flooded ..and roads flodded and washed out..had a real hard time finding a place to fish..
around here we got a lot of people in the water, seveal drownings, lots of people giving up perfectly good boats to hang on the shipping lane boueys on the detroit river, head on colitions. one person got trapped by her own boat up agains a bridge on the huron river.....

pretty much just a bad weekend for boaters in south east michigan....[pirate]
What rain we recived was welcome .
We have grass seed out and every day it's watered .
Had to work Saturday then cut wood for the winter , could have used a few sprinkles then just to cool down a bit .blew the clutch out of a new chainsaw on sunday .
Walleye have been great out on the bay .
Did hear another fisherman didn't make it home this weekend .
Localy the big news was a 44" tiger was landed in one of the pools below the Beaverton dam .
Cut another pick-up load of firewood after work today , sweat like a dog !

Looking forward to the weekend [fishon] .
8 inchs of rain in 24 hours didnt help the fishing here at all..they still havnt got the cars out at the b-93 birthday bash..they say by tommorrow..
not any better here..welcome to michigan..
sounds like the fishings heating up..just need to head north..any size to the wallyes..
They have all been just keeper size, no hawgs .
ive heard they get bigones in late august..never been there myself..
just keeper size is some mighty fine eatin [:p]

Have own fork and plate will travel...
that is one party I am glad I missed, I just saw on the news they are talking about monday now...
i got a few freinds that will not be happy about that..theve been stuck bumming rides all they got to sit home all weekend..thats what i call a bad party hangover..
hope he aint one of the guys whos engins was completely submurged. [pirate]
vehicles on high ground...i here wadding out of there was fun..
Well I wish it would either come in a downpour or go away , this drizzle every day is just a killjoy .
work is alot better with the cool temps..hopefully ig gets nice for the weekend...
we could have used a few daze of that drizzle down here on the farm, rain to the north of us rain to the south east and west of us,

what a pain, we either get to much or not enough.... [:/]

those days of drizzle should make the farmers up your way happy, things should be growing good.

I lost all the beans at my house, I got a pack of ground hogs move in under my house [mad] they climbed over the fence to get to the beans...

on a side note, I wonder if they ever got those flooded cars off the fair grounds in Ionia?
they got most of them out there trying to figure out whos gonna pay for the damage..on that note anybody here old enough to remember the lav raft races man that was alot of fun putting together a homemade raft and floating it down the river..
good question, I am sure a lot of them only had pl-pd insurance. full coverage would have covered it...

you cant realy blaim the fair for a hundred year rain that wasnt predicted....

I am old enough but never had the oppertunity to partake in that great adventure. I have done the cardboard boat down hill races in the winter, that one is always a blast, The funnest part is getting loaded and building your boat before crashing or colapsing it on the way down the hill with a minum of 10 other people in the boat....[laugh]
i remember watching bob seager at the concert after the race one yearour raft sunk that year too..lost a keg of times..

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