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Noob here.
Hi guys, I'm new.

I just found this forum while searching for a salt water float tube forum. This place looked cool so I thought I'd stop by and say hi.

I fish the harbors in my float tube about once a week on the weekends. Usually Newport or Dana Pt. But I'm always looking for new spots. Anyway, I just thought I'd check to see if there were any other saltwater float tube fishermen out there in the Orange County Ca area.

I'm gonna go check out the rest of this site now.


Here's some shots from the other weekend. Nothing special but it's always fun to get out there and fish
I guess I didn't post the pictures correctly. They're in there, they're just not showing up. I guess I really am a noob [laugh]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Hi there Dunegoat and welcome. Here is a link to the California forum where you might find others that are into tubing the salt. I tube occasionally but not the salt.
[url ""]][/font]
BTW do you need help posting pictures?
Thanks, I'll check that out.

And yea, apparently I do need some help posting pics. I did it the same way I do on my Glamis board but they didn't show up. When I click "edit post" I can see that they've been uploaded

002_24A.JPG 436 KB Inline
003_23A.JPG 290 KB Inline
013_13A.JPG 303 KB Inline
015_11A.JPG 388 KB Inline
016_10A.JPG 479 KB Inline
018_8A.JPG 392 KB

but no worky :dunno:
[Image: happy.gif][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]In order to post a picture it shouldn't exceed 450mp in width. Lets start with inserting just one picture:

[ul][li][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Click the little picture frame[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][li][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Click file[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][li][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Click browse[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][li][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Select from your hard drive the picture that you want to insert into your post[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][li][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Double click it[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][li][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Click Okay.[/size][/#008000][/font][/li][/ul][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Hope that this gets you started okay.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Welcome to the site Dunegoat, I fixed your pictures for you[Smile]. The problem you were having was that you were checking the box that says inline. When you check that box and don't add them to the body of the post they will not show up. Here is a link to the float tube forum: [url ""][/url]
One of the moderators there, TubeDude, has done a fair amount of saltwater float tubing and I think his son has too. WH2

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