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New Hook
Anyone ever tried these. Just saw a commercial and think it is a sweet idea!

Wow those look pretty ingenious wonder if they really do hold your hook tight.
[cool][#0000ff]Interesting, but looks to me like something designed to catch fishermen. At 40 cents apiece, they ain't cheap. And, the open loop at the top would seem to leave a "window" of opportunity for the hook to come unraveled...especially during a prolonged fight with a big fish. Murphy's law and all that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you buy good quality a lower price...and learn how to tie good knots, you shouldn't have to fall for that kind of promotional gimmick.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let us know how your first batch works out. The design is gonna make it tough to use them for fly tying.[/#0000ff]
The price is prohibitive but for certains types of fishing it might be fine. Have to say the guy was thinking.
It probably holds very well when it stays in the loop. However, mono tends to have memory and I think that it will unravel because the end loop is open. If there was a way to clamp or seal the end loop closed, I think that might work.

Sceptical fisherman here.

EASY2HOOKUSA has solved the problem please visit easy2hookusa. or email us at [url ""][/url][url ""][/url] and get a FREE SAMPLE of our amazing hooks.

Look for us on The Sportsman channel and WFN (World Fishing Network) and atb Icast 2009 in Florida July 15- 17
e2hu, thanks for stopping by in person. Wasn't expecting that but very good P.R.
Saw the add and I think they are cool as heck. As mentioned, I fly fish, so I am use to all sorts of different knots, that you wouldn't expect to work....but they do.
The idea you are using on this looks like the same knot use to connect backing to leader from the late great James Castwell from FAOL. Would expect it to hold, but it does!
remember there is no knot with our hook Smile it loop wrap and pull tight, thats all you do. Now if you fly fish,you can take our hook put your leader on and then tie your fly now you have your leader already on its works great.
email us with your info I will send you a sample hooks
Right On. I should have mentioned. The connection I mentioned by JC isn't a knot either, just a loop. Like I said, basically the same connection and it is amazing how well it works. It just doesn't look like it would.
PM sent, I gotta try these. And thanks again
Are your hooks just for fly fishing ???
no . we have all sizes send me your mailing info I will send you a sample of are new off set bass worm hook to try
Sent...Will give them a try...
It will go out on wed morning you have one of our new bass hooks.Please try it and let me know.

Thank you Ron B President easy2hookusa
I will give them a good work out and let you know...(good or bad)
Okay, back to the FLY FISHING world[laugh] We are see them as STINGERS and even tubes interesting.

Remember, you heard this first here. Okay, tying a leech. First tie in a piece of mono or fluoro on top of the hook. Have it at least an inch long.
Now build the fly with this tag sticking out of the back.
You fish a lake where they are only grabbing the tail of the fly. Hook up one of the easy2hookusa hooks....BAM! A stinger. But it is a convertible stinger in that you can now take it off (due to the fact there is no knot) with out shortening or ruining the tag.
[indent]no work great on all lines email me your mailing info for a FREE SAMPLE .
love to send a sample to you need mailing info.
[quote flygoddess]Okay, back to the FLY FISHING world[laugh] We are see them as STINGERS and even tubes interesting.

Remember, you heard this first here. Okay, tying a leech. First tie in a piece of mono or fluoro on top of the hook. Have it at least an inch long.
Now build the fly with this tag sticking out of the back.
You fish a lake where they are only grabbing the tail of the fly. Hook up one of the easy2hookusa hooks....BAM! A stinger. But it is a convertible stinger in that you can now take it off (due to the fact there is no knot) with out shortening or ruining the tag.

Let's think about this again_--------- how much line do you have to have for a tag to attached a stinger hook ? Remember you have fold in 1/2- loop over knob and then wrap.
That is why I say "AT LEAST an inch" I haven't got the hook yet, but if I can thread and tie a #32, I can do this.[Wink]
With my fat fingers I'd need a 1/2 foot [cool]

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