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Hi from Texas
Visit the Texas thread for a nonprofit fishing tourney that is jam packed over two days - all to benefit kids! Thanks for reading my post.

[font "Comic Sans MS"][#bf0000]sorry txjavagirl but new users are not allowed to post links to any other sites or forums.. even non profit ones for kids until they reach 15 posts.. please refer to the [#000080][url ""]FAQ [/url][/#000080]section of this site for further clarification on this and other forum rules..[/#bf0000][/font]
Welcome to the site Txjavagirl, here is a link to our freshwater fishing boards:
[url ""][/url]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3][Image: happy.gif]Hi there txjavagirl and welcome to the membership.[/size][/#008000][/font]

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