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Mantua - Swimmers Itch
I have heard that Mantua has a "short term" swimmer's itch warning out. Anyone heard when it would be safe to take my grandson float tubing there? Don't have any waders for him.

I was up there yesterday and saw the signs for it. One of the locals said it was mostly when you came in contact with the weeds.
For those who don't know, swimmers itch is a parasite, usually carried around by shellfish or probably in the case of Mantua, snails. It can cause severe itching, stinging, and formation of pustules. So if any of these symptoms sound good to you, go swimming to Mantua.
Waded wet at Mantua 4-5 weeks ago and was VERY affected (re: 40 chickenpox-like blisters per leg w/ insane itching) from mid-thigh to the sock line. Thank god I only waded to mid thigh. If you let your son wet wade he'll probably never want to go fishing w/ you again! Not trying to sound like a smarta$$, but you don't want this bug.

Trust a victim on this one!!!!!
guess i am very lucky person went wading in pelican last year which i found out later is supposed to have the itch but i came out unaffected

Your lucky, Pelican has it bad. We end up with kids in the emergency room every year after swimming all day at the Pel.

Good Scratching, Kayote
I've always heard that about Pelican too, but I've never been affected. Last year I tore a nickle sized hole in my waders, but I came out unscathed. I guess I was lucky too.
I got it once at Pelican just wading up to my knees for a minute to load my boat at the ramp. Miserable. A lot like poison oak with nonstop itching. I get water on my arms when fishing there and never got the itch from that. Steinaker gets it in low water years.

Good Fishing, Kayote

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