Willow was fun Friday morning 10/2/09. I went out mainly to throw my trout swim bait on the big pole, but ended up fishing for trout mostly. Nothing was biting at all untill the trout truck arrived and dumped the trout. 1 minute after the plant, they started biting. I caught about 5 right away on the Lil Jake's gold with red dots. Then a couple more on the Gold Super Duper with the red tip. Switch up to Power bait and nailed a few more, then the bit stopped.
Only a couple guys where catfhing fish after the bite stopped, so I wandered over and tried to see what they where using. It was on the Cheese 3" Trout Worms. I had some of these, so I tried them out. I instantly started catching again. Tricky little fish, but I have it down now. I'm pretty sure I'm going to head out there every friday for a few fridays, it was fun. Plus I need to catch a big Striper. I let half my fish go and gave half away. There was lots of people out there, all catching the limit. Maybe like 30 folks fishing off the bank, Not to many on the fishing dock.
Water Level is way way low.
Start with these, or any other small trout lures. I think silver and gold work best.
Then switch up to power bait, switch up colors if the bite stops.
Then swtich to 3" Trout worms, Cheese seems to work best.
Then go back to power bait later in the day.