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nice deer
this is from a buddy's side yard ..
Great photo,
I could have filled all three tags in under a minute.. [:p]

Ya know they dont look like that on opening day.. [angelic]

Wished I could offer a pic, but nothing close enuff yet... not even anything close enuf for my binocular camera...

I take it that is from a game cam?

thanks.... I hope to get a shot like that opening morn, we call that hunter's choice... [cool]
game cam? nope out the back window

is that the back window of your hunting blind... LOL
just kidding.. and a bit jellous, ya I got deer out side of my house, but nothing that look like that... [cool]
wish it was my window's a buddys house that's about one mile from my hunting land....
how come it always seems you see deer like that when your not in the woods hunting..i think they just like to show off...kina like those ladys in the sexy know you aint got a chance
they call that ..EYE CANDY good luck hunting
Now those are some nice deer.

I saw 4 deer this morning. 3 does and one spike. I let the spike walk and took a shot at the big doe. 90 yards full broadside shot .... and I missed (How the heck did I miss?) I thought for sure that I had hit her but no sign of blood anywhere so I guess not.

Our youth hunter (12 year old nephew) was the only one to see a shooter buck. According to his dad a nice 7point walked within 20 yards of the blind and the kid shot (and missed) twice.

The farm just to the east of us took a non-typical 9 point.

Shoot straight fellers.... ya might now see em again.
Hey , let's see that one from today [cool].
No story really ..just walked out and I shot him LOL
At the same place you were cooking the BBQ at when I stopped by this summer with the big brown and pike on the wall ?
that's where the pic was takin.. they got 4 bucks off that land so far....I think it's a 80
congrats on the harvest. that looks a nice eater for sure..

my hunt has put the wo' in slow..

I drove out 50 miles for the last day of turkey season in hopes of taking a turkey, when I got there I see the guys decided to site in their guns. they had the target board still standing... Right off the bat I knew what had happened, I drove a mile down the road where all the turkeys go when they get spooked. [cool]

sunday, I saw one deer, 50 yards away thought the trees. "no posible shot, I watched here with the binocs, she was by her self and her face was mostly gray.

monday I saw nothing, and today nothing... well that was untill I got home and found 3 deer standing in my driveway. I had to shew them out so I could get in.. [laugh]

and I think about all them times when I used to laugh at the guys in the woods when the deer were standing by their cars along side of the road..[laugh]

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