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1st time hunting ducks..
For the last few years my buddy has been trying to get me to join him on a duck hunting trip. I always came up with excuse after excuse until yesterday! I got me tag's and stamps and everything i have never heard of getting for a hunt before and off to bed i went.. In the morning we drove out by American Falls area and went waded out and set up some decoys.. Not even five minute's after time to shoot boom boom the shooting began.... It was so awesome!!!!! My first shot downed a duck and do you think i could hit another one??? NOT EVEN! lol it was a killer time and i am planning another trip in the morning....Thanks to my buddy for showing me this awesome sport.....
if you get into a good amount of birds you can sure have some fun. i've shot 3 boxs of shells up there in a day at duck point. when the birds are there it is as good as anywere in the state. take some pictures tomorrow

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