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Ice fishing bait/lures
My brother has indicated that he wants to go ice fishing a lot this winter. Generally I only ice fish maybe twice a year. I have never used anything besides a worm. I was just curious what other people have had success using? I generally only fish for trout.
they can be caught on worm, wax worm, live or cut minnow, a peice of minow flavored pork rine.

most people I know use tipups and live minnow for them, the others jig for them.
Where would you buy live or dead minnows? Maybe I just haven't paid much attention, but I haven't seen my local sports store carries live or dead minnows.
Dead minnows will come picked in a jar "unkle josh" is the one I use.

Dead minnow will come salt packed in a ziplock plastic see though baggie.

most bait and tackle stores carry them.

I dont know your locatioin, I do know that some states dont allow the use of live or non processed minnows as bait at all.

check your states fishing regs, and if they are allowed you have a couple options. live traps in streams in the winter or live bait and tackle shops.

some states require you to catch live minnow from the lake you are fishing to only be used on the lake you are fishing so as not to spread desease and invacive species.

When I jig with dead minnow I like to cut them in half and put the tail half on the end of my jig and wiggle, it makes the tail look like it is swimming..

Jigging with dead or artificial lures is best learnt in a clean five gallon bucket.

rig up your rod and pull up a stool and sit over the bucket of water and pratice making your jigging motions.

do it for several hours, and do it a couple times a week. pratice makes perfect. and at the bottom of a 20 foot ice hole you wont have the advantage of seeing your jig to make sure you are making the presentation you desire.

if you cant find them give me a genneral location of where you are fishing and I can see if I can locate them for you...
My main go to bait is a maggot (wax worm) on a small jig or on a glow hook. Sometime is suspend this 8" under a shinny spoon, a sweedish pimple or any small flasher. I have caught most all fresh water species on this rig.
with out a doubt a man can go pretty light on the ice, a spud or auger, a spool of light line, small bobber if one so desires, larve of choice,

most ice tackle boxes I have seen fit in to a mans shirt pocket, and bait in their coat pocket. and if it werent for the bucket and spud you wouldnt know they were out there for the fish.

then there is the rest of us who are loaded with gear for every type of ice fishing posible. [laugh]
Yea the state that I fish in doesn't allow live bait fishing. However, I went and checked out my sports store and found the dead minnows. I will definitely have to try fishing this way this winter. Thanks
good luck, hope you come back with a cople prize fish photos.

in my state we have to have a permit to cary a bucket of minnows... [angelic]

fortunatly the guy at the bait store hands me a permit every time I buy minnows and it is good for a week.

I like fresh minnow and fresh dead minnows best.

the dead minnow is a little slower, but dose work, I have caught crappie, gills, perch and pike on a suspended dead minnow. I keep a pack or a jar on me all winter, I dont always have the luxury of going to the bait store every day.

I have found if I show up on the lake on the weekends I get enuff free live ones for the week. This dose mean I have to walk out on the lake every day to change the water in my five gallon bucket, but I dont mind. [:p]
glow in the dark tubes and jig heads tipped with mealworm

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