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before deer hunting you might want to read this,,,!!!!
[cool] well its getting close to that time again when we all get that buck i am included in this i am starting to gear up for this seasons hunt,we have a very large population of deer here in tenneesse and alot of monsters that are just a shot away from the record books,but remember just a few words that might help everyone later.1 dont tear up someones feild with that new or old 4 wheel driver or 4 wheelers.2 clean up your mess and dont leave it laying around,3 dont shoot at something just because it moves it might be me or someone esle.4if your just hunting for horns i will give you one,dont just kill it and leave the carcuss to rot as there are many hungry that will take it.5 if you can make a clean kill dont shot it.,and dont forget to ask the landowner if he wants some of it as a favor for letting you hunt, 6 and last when you take a child with you dont leave them alone in a stand, buried 2 around here because they got excited and fell out of tree and it is better for them if your there to share the experiance with them . thats all for now just something to think about.
good one!! hit the nail on the head!!! i,m gonna take my girlfriends boy out this year, after he gitshis hunters satfety. been after his father to git it fer him since he was 8. well he wont git it fer him i will. haha anyways he loves goin out with me and learnin. he,s now almost 15 so i think it,s bout time and these i,ve been learnin him since he was 8.just like my boy. so everybody have fun but member these too huh?? later i hear ya!! haha

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