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Any reports from the Chesapeake Bay area of Virginia on how and where the stripers are biting?, I haven't heard anything latley, I know its still early in the season, but is anybody catching any?.<br><br>
Nofish<br><br>Might pay to drop down to the MA Board and speak with Jerry the Moderator, and others their.<br><br>He usually has a good finger on the pulse on what is happening up and down the coast line re: Stripers.<br><br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Are you catching them from shore or boat and are you using lures or live bait<br><br>
Surfcaster, Sorry it took so long to get back to you, been pretty busy. But to ansewer your question most of the bigger fish are being caught from boats trolling a bucktail down on the bottom, stretch 25s are also quite effective, the best live bait to use as been live eels. hope this helps. nofish95 <br><br>
Anybody trolling with their lures and/or bucktails on small downriggers and bombs?<br><br>If not then they are likely to pick up bigger fish if they take up this method.<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Mod-Lures/Baits & Oz Boards<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

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