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Utah Lake fishing report 7/25/03
Just a quick report on my trip to Utah Lake last Friday night.

Got there about 6:30 P.M. There was a slight breeze from the south. Had my little bro with me. He has a 2 pole permit and was using two poles. We went to the bubble-up again, and walked out on the pipe. I caught two small bullheads off of worms, and he caught 1 more. After about 45 minutes, the wind shifted directions as the storm front approached from the west. Within a couple of minutes the front hit us and the west wind went from like 10 mph to more like 35. With 1 min. the waves were crashing over the pipe. That and the lightning drove us out of there pretty quick! We drove south on Geneva Road to the Provo River, and I snagged myself a 6 lb. carp because I needed some bait for the next trip. I filleted him up and froze him for next time. Maybe I'll try cutting some of it into strips like TubeDude has described, and sweeten up some jigs or something.

Anyway, maybe I'll actually be able to be on the water for more than an hour one of these days, if these afternoon thunderstorms would go away!
hi cat man i know where the pipe your fishing off of is but how do you get down to it

I was flirting with the idea of going out to the bubble up last Friday night myself. I had some nephew from out of town that wanted to catch some kitties. As you already know, the weather did not cooperate.

I landed a few carp myself over the weekend. My 7 and 4 year old daughters loved it. I was using more of a catfishing setup to catch em. Slip sinker -- swivel -- leader -- bait hook. I squish some bread on the hook, throw it out and let it sit on the bottom. I hold the pole so I can feel the take. Saturday afternoon we landed 3 nice buglemouths (5-7 lb each) in 5 casts. We put em back for when I need to catch some more bait.

Out of curiosity, how do you prep the carp fillets for the catfish???


Well, if you know how to get to the Lindon Marina, then just head south on that road that follows the lakeshore from the entrance to the Marina (don't enter the marina, stay on the public road). It's only about 1/4 of a mile south of the marina. Between the road and the lake there are 2 or 3 ponds -- the Geneva cooling ponds. Stop and park just at the south end of the last pond. There is a gate there with a gravel road that heads out along the south edge of the pond towards the lake. Just walk the dirt road until you get around between the pond and the lake, and there will be a trail that goes down through some weeds that have overgrown the area this year because of the low water. You can easily see the pipe standing on the gravel road, so you won't get lost.
I've actually never done it this way before. What I usually do is fillet the carp, and cut up the meat into about 3/4 to 1 inch pieces (cubes) and then I put a bunch in several trip-sized bags and freeze them. On each trip, I just take one bag along with me and use the pieces from that bag for that trip. This time, I got a little lazy and didnt want to cut them all up, so I just filleted each side and froze each side in a separate bag with some water in it and all the air squeezed out to prevent freezer burn. I didn't even take the scales off first. Another reason I left them whole was because of TubeDude's suggestions on how to cut them into strips for tipping jigs. He has some great tips on how to prepare white bass, carp or perch for bait. His posts are under the Perch in Bear Lake thread. I've attached some of his comments to this post.

I know that you should leave the skin on so the bait will stay on the hook, but don't leave the scales on.
It will be a while before I get out again for the kitties. Let us/me know how they work!

You got it! I might not get out until next weekend. I think I'm going to go to Strawberry this weekend. I'll let you know.
thanks cat man i know right were your at just was'nt sure where to head down


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