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Twin Lakes 7/15
Decided to post even though it wasn't memorable or even interest unless it in forms some folks. First time fishing Twin and followed some suggestions of cpierce, bless her. [Smile] Got there about 11am, fished the S. lake on the S. and S.E. side, Fished until about 5:30 and caught 3 bass and 1 dink, all in the S.E. corner. Obviously, it was tough fishing, probably because the water level has drastically changed and the bass are somewhere else. [frown] Sure would like to have a better idea where to fish for bass now that the water is down. I'm a tuber.[frown]

[inline "twin 1.jpg"]
Thanks Leaky, I don't know where to find them after the water drops. I only fish there a couple times a year.


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