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Unit 27 Bear Hunt/Deer scouting trip.
My brother and I went in to scout out an area for our unit 27 deer hunt. We didn't see any deer or elk and only found a moderate amount of sign. Here is what we did find: bones and carcasses.

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We both had bear tags and on the way out we found this bear.

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great bear congrats
good looking cinnamon bear i saw a jet black male yesterday! but i was elk hunting with my bow and didnt have a rifle so thursday im gonna go out in the evening and just drive around and look for a bear they are very where here.
How do you determine color? Just curious if there is a standard or something. I've been calling it a chocolate.
from what i have learned and seen choclates are darker than that real dark brown that one has more of a brown with a red hugh and my bear hunting buddys have called them cinnamon. then lighter than that they start calling them blondes. buetiful bear though.
i guess there is a standard after researching a bit. but what we call chocolate bear they are just calling it brown. and there is some awesome info about why bears have color phases. here is the link [url ""][/url]
cool bear almost looks like a brown bear with the pose. did you get him around josephus lake ?
Killed him about 7 miles down Rapid Cr., so yes, near Josephus.

The scenery alone was worth all the Saddle sores....

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Heading to Challis today and leaving for our hunt in the morning. Hope I can stay dry. The weather for the next week doesn't look too good. Wish me luck. [Smile]
good luck ! hope you get a 30 " black timber buck ! i am going thursday to graingeville for rutting whitetails ! excited even splurged and bought my self a non resident tag as well for my b-day present to myself ! i am praying for snow as well
Unit 27? I hope you shoot up hill![sly] Steep, rugged country. Killed some nice bucks in there but haven't been able to find the 30 incher yet.
Well. Just got back last night late. It was a lot harder hunt than I thought it would be. The deer were few and far between. We really had to move a lot. Didn't see my first deer until we hit 9000 ft. in elevation. We ranged from about 4600-9500 ft. Shot a nice, but not great, 4 point on Wednesday. My brother ended up going without. He didn't want a small one at first, then couldn't seem to hit one once he was ready to settle. You can see all my photos at: [url ""][/url]

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good deer by anyones standards... i cant seem to get the link to work
Nice respectable buck.
great muley!!!!!! no way i would have passed him up.
what a nice buck ! what cartridge ect ?
300 WM, 180 gr swift scirrocco leaving the muzzle at 3119 fps. Shot him through the brush at about 50-75 yards. My bullet must have caught some brush because the entrance wound was about 3 inches in diameter.

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