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Are You Ready For Some Football!!
[size 1]Are You Ready For Some Football!! [/size]

[url ""][size 1][/size][/url][size 1] [/size]

[size 1]check this out guys, we have our vary own football pool [/size]
Hi Dave, I don't really know much about football cause I've never really been interested. But I would like to win a hat to be able to use in the 16 species photo contest. Please dont banish me because I'm not a major football fan. If you tell me what to put down for the football picks, I'd be real grateful.
Do you know where I could buy a bigfishtackle flexfit hat?
Sorry your banished [Sad] Only NFl fans ( Just kidding [Wink] )
[url ""][/url]

go to the link above to buy the hat
[center][#ff0000]go to this link to veiw your choices[/#ff0000][/center]

[url ""][size 1][/size][/url][size 1] [/size] [center][#ff0000]go to this link to enter the contest[/#ff0000][/center]

[url ";sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;"][size 1]1ST ANNUAL BIGFISHTACKLE.COM FREE WEEKLY FOOTBALL POOL [/size][/url]
GO ON THE BFT CHARTER SEPT.25 and 26. it is a lot of fun. raffles gifts, and great fishin'! with the exeption of this last trip[:/]


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