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Biggest Utah Lake Walleye
I caught a 28 inch 8.5 lb walleye at Utah Lake.

What is everyone's personal best walleye at UL?
I've only ever caught one walleye there but I have a good buddy that fishes it a lot and frequently gets into big ones like this, he says it went 13lbs. Hopefully he doesn't mind me bragging about his catches! Plenty of bigguns in there...[inline "nate Utah Lake.JPG"]
this post is useless without photos Smile Smile ....but seriously nice fish...I am wondering, do you have to be out on a boat to catch them???I have fished UL for the best part of 35 years and I have NEVER gotten a walleye, ha ha that goes to show how bad I suck at fishing Smile
[quote Bigyfan]that goes to show how bad I suck at fishing Smile[/quote]

Yes it does
Oh man I wish I could have those fillets! That would feed my family twice [Smile]

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