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Jason F-18, Chick, Flathead and Shad, 11-6-11, Cast4Bass
Bill and I have been trying to get out together for the last several weeks Today, our schedules finally allowed it. What an awesome afternoon! (Weather wise that is...) The fishing was tough to say the least. We checked out a few different soughs for baitfish. Finally found a large area with shad all over the place. We idled to the back and decided to let the wind blow us out as we fished. <br /><br />Began throwing lipless cranks and blades along the channel edge. I finally fell a good hit on my blade and line starts peeling off the reel. I tell Bill I was pretty sure I had a good fish. The only problem- it wouldnt; surface- what did I have?? Finally get it to the boat and it was a little channel cat. As I am pulling hi into the boat, I hear Bill chuckle and say he caught one too. Cool, we have a double! I look over and see that Bill hooked the smallest fish in the lake- about a 1.5 inch Shad!!! We snap a few pics and let our respective cathces go (I'm sure Bill will be posting them soon)<br /><br />We continue drifting out of the cove throwing a little of everything. Finally, we see some bass chasing shad along the bank and start to troll over. Bills first cast with a blade bait hooks a good one. He fight it for a bit and it fianlly jumps, throwing the bade back at us. Looked to be a good 3- 3.5 lbr. <br /><br />We continue to fish the area hard until almost dark, I missed one on a scrounger due to being impatient. Other then that, nothing else.<br /><br />Had a great time as always, even though the fishing was slow.<br /><br />Looking forward to doing it again Bill.

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