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Panguitch Lake: Transcript of Wildlife Board Comments at meeting on 11/03/2011
Please bow out of this conversation. This post clearly shows you don't have any clue of what you are talking about.
[quote Liprippa][quote wormandbobber] He has, time and again, been the one who has stood up for the voices of angler across the state. It looks to me like Mr. Perkins is tired of fighting for fishermen that would rather sit home and complain![/quote]

wormandbobber can you please provide some specific examples where Mr. Perkins has fought for fishermen as a member of the Wildlife Board?? [/quote]

One that impacts me and is right off the top of my head, I know that Mr. Perkins helped pass a late season spearfishing closure at Fish Lake that protected trophy fish from being harvested....

...but don't take my word for it....go do your own homework and see what he has done. You seem to be implying that he is our enemy...explain what he has done to hurt our fishing?
RE "you seprate wildlife board from DWR.. maybe you have a point! but i dont seprate the 2 thay are one in the same!!"

Ahh, but they definitely are not. Sadly, most Utah sportsmen do not know this. The Wildlife Board members are all individuals that are appointed by the Governor for a set term. Many, such as the previously mentioned Tom Hatch, have been political cronies that the guv selects to the position. To be fair, not all members fit into this category. The DWR head is a nonvoting member of the board. The only oversight these guys have is from the governor. The WB sets all regulations with respect to fish and wildlife. The DWR can only suggest regulation, but cannot enact anything.

As we saw with the new deer hunting regs, the WB can very easily be swayed by a special interest and tell the DWR to "pound sand" with respect to its recommendations.

Fuzzy, the fastest way to hold these guys accountable would be to vote out their boss, the Governor and let it be known it is in part because of poor political appointments. However, since only about 1/3rd of Utahns voted last time (and I'd bet that percentage is accurate here on BFT), there is slim chance that will happen.[:/]

BTW, it is voting day today. Heading out right now to vote. How 'bout you guys?
oh mighty Enlightened [crazy] one please Enlighten all of as poor clueles ones then!! [crazy]..

let the mass's know where the problem is and how to fix it!! you must be so much more wise then any other on the board!!

please please Enighten us!!
see that the things the comon spotsmen needs to know.. becouse like me a big % of spotsmen see changes they dont like they put blame where they see it.. maybe the DWR need to come out and be a little more active in getting spotmen on the wildlife boards bunn's!! or is that biteing the hand the signs the pay check? if so then no it's not of a seperation of the two..
This is the problem. People, like you, don't know and don't bother to find out. They sit on the bar stool sipping the Busch Light pontificating on things they do not understand. The DWR doesn't need to be more active in getting people to these Wildlife Board meetings, that is the job of the people. If you can't take it upon yourself to get to the meetings to voice your opinions, then you've got no real grounds to complain. Standing on the sidelines complaining on BFT gets squat done. Like PBH state, look at what the hunting groups have done. Like the deer hunting issue, there were a TON of people at that Wildlife Board meeting. And the Board still didn't listen to the public or the DWR.......
If I wanted to see a different regulation on a water like say Panguich Lake I would make up a petition stating the change I wanted, then I would go to say Sportsmans and ask if I could stand out side and ask people to sign. If they said no I would ask my friends and see if they would ask there friends to help. I would ask the question on BTF as a survey. Then I would take it all to the RAC. Takes some time. If my thoughts were good maybe ask Fish Tech and other fishing stores for help. That is how one person makes a difference, by asking for help and hard work.

When was working on Prop 5 Don went to strawberry and ask people to help out but the "fishermen" didn't want to help. Another post here talked of the hunters being organized, he was correct. On prop 5 it was hunters, trappers and hounds men that helped the most when I called them to run booths and phone banks. If fisherman were to organize like say the Rocky Mountain Anglers they would see results.

The other part is what if want I want is not the best for the fishery, or how much will it cost, is it biologically feasible.

Yea there are politics involved, that is the way it is and it's not all bad. I personally appreciate the work the DWR does for us. Working on Prop 5 gave me that appreciation.

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