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Willard Bay Ice?
I've been watching the ice build on the bay for a week plus but haven't been able to stop in and check. Is there enough ice to fish the north marina? If so has anyone had any luck? Thanks J
Just checked lakeview. There is a truck backed down the ramp at the North Marina and footprints and sled tracks heading out on the ice. Can't find the people on the ice though??!!
See any big holes? Thank you for the info. J
The north marinas had safe ice since last weekend..
When you say safe how thick is it?
Thank you anybody catching anything?
It was probably my truck someone saw on an earlier post. The ice is 4-5 inches but avoid where the marina goes out into the bay. There is open water there. There is also thin ice on the edges of the boat docks on the north side

I fished from straight out from the ramp and worked my way in an arc over to the private docks. Never had a bite. I saw some small fish on the Vexilar that were probably shad.
Hey thanks for the report. I decided on Mantua instead looks like everyone around me are catching fish me not so many but I did break my skunk streak. Thanks again. J
get it all planned out and scouted out for me J we will see ya the day after Christmas
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