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Tibblefork Reservoir
[quote sinergy]
The post by Xstream proves me wrong looks like the boy caught a 11lb'er Kudos I still don't believe it just because it was on rough'n it outdoors doesn't mean squat the media is always looking overstate stories or it wouldn't be news worthy, put it on a register scale then I believe ya. but till then its fishers scale...IMHO


So you admit you are wrong and then in the same sentence claim your not? So does this count as Denial or just Confusion? Come on just saw a picture from a somewhat reliable source (granted I do not believe everything the news tells me either, however I'll take a rough'n it outdoors picture proof over some bank tangler story any day).

Guess no big fish exsist at Tibble unless they are in your hands sinergy. Flygoddess asked a legit question...she got an answer. Time to face facts here....there are a FEW big fish in that 17 acre reservoir sinergy. What more do you need to be convinced?
wow that fish is huge!!! i need to find one of my own!
Awahaha how pathetic Actually there no warm springs in Tibble thats just hear say go forth go fish over by the inlet on the far side of the lake and Im sure theres a 10lb brown over there.
Time to fess up Sinergy, you lost this one. Time to face the music and man up.
OK whatever floats your boat but I really have a hard time thinking the weight of that fish was accurate but Ill give you the benefit of the doubt . Still doesnt change the fact you need to fish it in the deepest part.[fishon]
[quote TyeDyeTwins]Time to fess up Sinergy, you lost this one. Time to face the music and man up.[/quote]

No offense, but why do you think he lost this one?
Nothing will convince him that there are a very few number of monsters in there. Not a pic, no 1st hand stories, no 2nd hand stories, not roughin it outdoors....etc.

If that aint a sore loser I don't know what is?
But, what if that was the last one? Fish only live so long and that one was probably around 3 to 5 year old (I think, I am really bad at that)
Very little C&R is practiced at Tibble.
There is no reason due to food source that there couldn't be big fish there, but as I said, it is pounded. I see it shoulder to shoulder PLUS bowl of cheerios all the time.

That picture is posted as 2010, over a year ago and one report, that is definite proof that one was there, but are there more...possibly, but odds are not in their favor.

Anything is possible.
Here a picture I've heard 1st hand 2nd hand stories they existed must be true here horsey ... awahaha this is too easy

[Image: unicorn.jpg]
For those who miss the sarcasm please be careful on Tibble Fork. There are several places that the ice is not always safe.
[quote tlspyder13]For those who miss the sarcasm please be careful on Tibblefork. There are several places that the ice is not always safe.[/quote]

Just keep a few feet away from the open water that is usually located next to the 2 inlets as well as where the dam lets out it's water. Amazing how even the C.O. that checked us on the ice called us crazy for attempting to ice fish it. At almost 9 inches everywhere it is VERY safe ice and the open water spots are VERY easy to see.
A light snow can sometimes make it impossible to tell. Just a good practice to test as you go on that lake.
[quote TyeDyeTwins]Time to fess up Sinergy, you lost this one. Time to face the music and man up.[/quote]

The picture shows the fish is 26 inches long.
No disputing the length.
Now, where does the 11 lb. come in at?
Was it weighed? Or was the weight guessed on this one. Nobody took a measurement of the girth did they? Just told the paper what they say it weighed.
That's where the questioning of the weight comes in at.
Face it, 90% of the time a fish gets caught and length and weight are guessed. Not measured or weighed. Most people can't guess the weight of their spouse let alone the weight of a fish. I think if fishermen actually would spend the money on a good scale, they'd be surprised and think the scale is broken when the 5 pounder they just caught turns out to be a pound and a half.
Facts are facts here guys....every now and then a 5+ pounder comes out of Tibble Fork Reservoir. If quotes from books, quotes from guys GF's who work up there and then actual pictures of big fish won't convince you....NOTHING WILL. Can you boys say DENIAL?

[Image: lobsterfight2.jpg]
5 lbs maybe 10 lbs+ Highly unlikely What do those CO's know keep fishing there and jump around allot the vibrations will attract more fish.

Cause pictures are so accurate here the snap shot of the day from Comfortable

[Image: bassAvatar.jpg]
[left][quote TyeDyeTwins]Time to fess up Sinergy, you lost this one. Time to face the music and man up.[/quote]
{NOTE: this is not directed just at twins - had to 'reply' to somefin}

I dig both the 'Dad battles and the NewnessCorn (as my younglings used to call them), but what I don't get is this never ending demand to WIN and BE RIGHT! As well as continually doubting ANY and ALL reports and evidence put forth. If you can't accept someone else's word as gospel, then go there yourself and prove it to be true or not. And I'm CERTAIN that if YOU (any of ya) don't catch that monster, then it must all be a lie, OR you just flat out suck as a fisherman, end of story. Face it, and go home already.

What the frack (hey - they can say it on BSG, I should be able to say it on BFT!) does it matter whether or not YOU or Sinergy or anyone wants to believe it or not. A photo doesn't do it? A measuring tape can be "doctored", a shot of a scale - could include an unseen "finger" helping. Or photoshop in a new number to a scale shot up close.
I have caught a 17 incher, guessed it's length (spot on - thank you!) and assumed it's weight - and was within 1/4 pound. When you've seen enough of em, you can get a good general idea - then actually measure and weigh to confirm.

[left]So how does a big phat brown taste at lakeside on the Hibachi? Did you bring some butter and garlic?
If someone doesn't want to believe, or wants to cast doubt - my suggestion - FINE, but keep it to yourself. Not worth the ensuing flame war. Speaking of suing - maybe that's what's needed - a trial court, lawyers to weigh evidence, then collect the BIG paycheck. Seriously! We're talking about FISH! This is NOT a competition!!!
Want your fish to weight more? Pump it full or water, or better lead weights - THEN put it on a scale!
Dandylions? Did you mean Daisies?

Here is my 10 year old daughter hoisting 300lbs at Muscle Beach. Don't wanna believe it (Escher-escque and all) then just kiss my bass! I WAS THERE!!!

[inline Muscles.JPG]

She told me if I got her this wolfy hat she'd come ice fishing! Wohooo! It's even got hand warmer mittys!

In before the lock???? {again} Ah piss!

[inline Piss.JPG]
thanks coyote spinner, some of these bickering batlles get rediculous when people get upset about the size of a fish when it really shouldnt affect you, its fishing guys cmon. if someone wants to say something on here let them and if you dont believe them then keep it to yourself its gets u knowhere.

[quote CoyoteSpinner]
[left]So how does a big phat brown taste at lakeside on the Hibachi? Did you bring some butter and garlic?
If someone doesn't want to believe, or wants to cast doubt - my suggestion - FINE, but keep it to yourself. Not worth the ensuing flame war. Speaking of suing - maybe that's what's needed - a trial court, lawyers to weigh evidence, then collect the BIG paycheck. Seriously! We're talking about FISH! This is NOT a competition!!!

[left]Wooohoooo you go, Yote!
[left]And bring the butter and garlic! I'll bring some skewers of veggies--zucchini, onions, tomato quarters, and peppers--brushed with olive oil and sprinkled with garlic and shredded parmesan, to go along with the fish!
Not to keep it going, but I will add, it does go both ways. Doubters and BSers,
Forums are also made for discussions, not just the where, what, why and how.

Just sayin' and IN BEFORE LOCK!
Hey, you changed your picture! Is the little weenie dog bait, or pet?


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