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Float Tubin' the Delta / TD lures...
Hey Guys...

Well, I got nothin' better to do, so I might as well make a post. Har [cool] I went tubin' yesterday out on the Delta goin' for black bass. I first intended to fish in Trapper Slough, but I couldn't really find a good spot to put the tube in...until I was driving home and found another road I didn't see before...LOL. Guess I'll have to try it next time. But as I was looking for a spot to fish in Trapper, I stumbled upon Whiskey Slough Harbor so I fished there instead. [Smile] The fishing wasn't half bad, just nothin' too big. I started off throwin' a chartreuse buzzbait that Tube Dude made and gave me a while back and picked up 4 largemouths on it up to about 3lbs. I've caught a lot of fish on Tube Dude's buzzers so far...all over the country too. Work good! After I stuck some fish on the buzzbait, I figured it was time to give another one of TD's handmade lures a try...a double bladed propbait. Another goody I've done pretty good with so far. I've tried fishing it in all kinds of ways and the best method I've found so far is just a steady retrieve keepin' the blades twirlin'. I picked up 2 more bass each just under 2lbs on it and then the sun started coming up a bit too much to keep that topwater bite goin'. After that I caught probably 5-6 more fish up to about 3.5lbs by using a t-rigged worm, a suspending jerkbait, and a jig.

Now, while I'm on the topic of some of Tube Dude's creations...probably the other bait that he's given me so far that's done well is a in-line style buzzbait. Not sure how to describe it, but it's got a plastic buzz blade up front, and then directly behind it is a round floating body (can't remember if it's plastic or wood, but it's upstairs and I'm too lazy to go check...LoL). Then there's a treble hook on the very back. This is a good lure, however, I have yet to catch a fish on it. haha. I think there needs to be some modifications to it. See, most of the time when I throw it...I get A LOT of blow-ups on it, but they don't get hooked! One day I got about 20-25 blow-ups on it and not a one of them got hooked. Here's the problem I've found, the treble hook on it trails behind in the very back, and the fish that are attacking this bait are coming straight up from underneath of it and hitting the main body where there are no hooks. I've even tried adding on another treble hook connected to the back treble hook as a trailer hook, but that didn't matter as the fish are hitting that main body. I need to try and figure out a way to add another treble hook to the middle of the bait and I'll bet that gets more hook-ups. Do you know what lure I'm talking about Tube Dude? I think you should try and figure out a way to add another hook into the middle and this will be an awesome bait.
I have a few places to try some of those out if TD could send some this way. The primary colors here are purple ish gray, pumkin seed, and rainbow hatchlings. I would be willing to share some of the profits.
[cool]Hey, Kid, you didn't read the instructions on those round-bodied buzzers. Those are the ultimate C&R lures. They save you from all the hassle of having to set hooks and play the fish in. Saves a lot of wear and tear on the wrists too. It's funny you should have the problem with fish striking the forward part of the lure. My experience was sometimes just the opposite...having to put a stinger hook on. But I guess a lot has to do with the activity level of the fish and teh clarity of the water...among other things.

I am attaching some pics. The TD TOPPERS includes the prop lure and two versions of the floating buzzbaits...with the clear sparkle buzz blades. I have included a screw eye and treble to show you how to add some forward hooking power. Use a Dremel drill to make a starter hole...smaller than the screw eye shaft. Then screw the screw eye in until tight. Back it off a couple of turns and put a drop of epoxy or super glue on it to help the bond. Then add a split ring and a hook.

There are several oldtime lures that have a rounded body, with double or triple sets of hooks. Mine are made of carved and sanded pine...not the traditional basswood. They are slightly heavier, and float lower in the water. But, as you know, the fish like them.

I am moving to "the next level" in buzzbaits. I have a new design that I may have you field test for me. See the pic on "Flathead Buzz". I once used some old "Hawaiian Wiggler" lures that relied on a flattened head to enable you to fish on top but slow, by keeping the lure up on plane. I was tinkering around with a jighead mold the other day and cut a groove to allow me to run wire into the jighead...and used spinner bait hooks instead of jig hooks. When they came out, I whacked them a few times with a hammer to flatten them and they look like they might be a ticket. How do you like the eyes both on the bottom side of the jig...with the hook riding up? I haven't bent the wire on any yet, but that can be done in a hurry. I also have some radical new inline spinner baits you will have to try.

The third pic shows some of the new glitter paints I just got. These are some large size Roadrunner heads I made for fishing macks and salt water. But, the early experiments in using the glitters...both over white and over other colors is encouraging. Some of the combos I have come up with will bring tears to your eyes. The red flake over brown works well in Arizona. I am anxious to experiment with some of the hot purple...both over white and over red...or even mixed with red...or green. Let me know if you have any wild combos you think might work.

Glad you are finding those back roads in the delta. Man, there is no end to all the canals and back channels down there. But, as you found out, it is sometimes hard to find a good place to launch without having to jump ten feet into the water. You can get in, but it's a bear to try to get back out. Once you're in, though, there is a lot of water that does not get molested by either boaters or bankers.

Good to have you drop back in. Keep us posted. Have you broken the 12 mark yet?
Hey TD...

Yup...those are the buzzers all right, and the propbait. With the fish beginning to go into their fall patterns, both the fish on Contra Loma and out on the Delta are feeding heavily on the these lures are workin' pretty good right now. The propbait does particularly well when there's a bit of a breeze blowin' putting some chop on the water. I just added another hook to the front end of one of those floating buzzers. I had thought about just screwing in an eye like that, but I was just worried about fish possibly pulling it out of the wood. For some reason I didn't think about super glue though. LOL. I'll probably go out later tonight and give it a shot and see what happens. The one I got the most blow-ups on was the fat-bodied buzzer. However, I think I left it sitting on a picnic table one night a few months back, so all I've got left is the skinny one. Any way I can get a hold of one of the fat bodied ones again? [Wink]

I like your flatheaded buzzbait idea. That looks pretty cool. I think Persuader buzzbaits have got flattened heads, and those are some realy good baits...but they're triangle shaped and not circular like the ones in your pic. I'd be all up for field testin' some of them over here in CA if you got some to send. [cool] Maybe even throw on one of those short, wide buzzbait blades on one of them to slow the retrieve down even more. I've noticed that the buzzbaits you gave me with the short, wide blade, I'm able to reel slower and still keep them on top. The Delta fish seem to particularly like that...but then at Contra Loma I usually throw the buzzbaits with the longer, skinner blades because they like the faster retrieve there. Just gotta give the fish what they want. [Smile] And in-line spinners too huh? You know, I'm one of the only guys around here who actually throws a Roostertail or Mepps spinner for bass. People think I'm fishing for trout or panfish or something, but I when conditions are right...I catch bass up to 4lbs on them. Most of the time I throw it into the middle of schooling bass when they won't hit anything else, and it always seems to work. So send them new in-line spinners over this way! LoL

Well, I think I'll go throw a couple rods in the truck and hit the lake!

P.S. Haven't broken that teen mark yet. I think I told you about that one time when I had my chance at her while float tubing in disco bay though. However, I also just recently purchased some good looking trout-imitation swimbaits that I've decided to throw all winter long at contra loma. The shore fishing is slow in the winter there anyways, so I might as well spend it goin' for a BIG ONE!
[cool]Are you still on Ridgeview, in Antioch?

I am working through several different "upgrades" right now. I am going to be doing some new chartreuse sparkle heads for spinnerbaits and buzzers. Also will be using some of the new blades I got (see attached Pic)/

The inline spinners will be 5/8 oz. and 1/2 oz. spinnerbait heads and hooks, strung on wire with either inline blades or willowleaf...or Colorado. I have used lots of spinners over the years too, and have had great luck on large roostertails, Mepps, Panther Martins...and of course on my own stuff.

I am toying with making some spinner/buzzbait hybrids...using buss blades in place of regular spinner blades. These can be fished on the top or just below, for bulging the water without coming clear out. I suspect they would work well on deeper presentations too. I have incorporated some into deep jigging and they raise a ruckus on vertical the buzz bomb. I am also playing with add-on spinners for tube I have added to other jigs. I call them jingle jigs. Here's a pic of some I made up for mack fishing.

The one thing I haven't gotten into is large trout imitations. I have no doubt that I could carve and paint a reasonable facsimile of a hatchery pet. Heck, with some of the new sparkles and glitters I have, along with some prism tape, I should be able to make some nasty lookin' 12" troutskis. I have seen major explosions in the lakes over here as the local largies "order breakfast"...courtesy of the fish and game department. I'll bet it would make your heart stop to have one attack a pseudo trout on the top. I'll be working on that. I'm sure that TubeN2 will have a good use for a couple over in Castaic. I have thought of making them jointed divers as well as floaters. I can do that. Give me some wire, screw eyes a plastic bill and turn me loose.

I have a couple of the little fatboys left. I will add a front treble, but I will probably change the rear to a single spinner bait hook. You can add a trailer to increase the length and maybe the strike area. Also give you better hookups than a smaller treble.

I haven't done any woodcarving or floater making for awhile. But, for the next few months the stripers will be up around the structure in the bay, as well as the largies. I used to have some decent days up towards Stockton around the riprap on white stuff.

Keep knockin' 'em dead.
Hey TD, how well did that quarter work as a buzzbait blade? Maybe there are some gold-digger fish out there that are particularly attracted to it? J/K

Hey TD...

Yup, the address is still the same. Sometimes I think you have too much fun tinkering around in your tackle and making all these creations. But that's ok, now I've got lures that none of the other tourney fishermen around here have. Har Har! Just watch me win the bassmasters classic one day throwing one of your floating in-line buzzers!! I never got around to throwing it last night though when I went over to loma. I got there and the wind was just howling. Not my ideal set of conditions for a good buzz bite. Although I have caught good buzzfish in the wind before. But with how things were lookin' yesterday, the conditions just looked like I ought to be throwing a ripbait and a super spook. Caught 3 fish on the ripbait, then three more fish on the spook. When the wind gets blowin' like that I want some kind of topwater that's going to make quite a bit of commotion on top and the super spook does just that for me. Anywho, when I do get around to throwing the new and improved buzzer, I'll let ya know if the front hooks made a difference at all.

Oooooo...well, if you make up some of them big trout baits, I'd be more than happy to throw those around this winter too. Har Har [cool] I mean, take a look at the AC Plug...that doesn't look like much of anything special...I'm sure you could make something just as good, if not better than that. Thanks TD!!
[cool]Oh, cat_man, you're such a kidder. You know that coin was just in there as a size reference. With today's inflation you just can't hardly get much out of a quarter...especially as a buzz blade. What the nation a good 5 cent quarter.

But, y'know there used to be folks that hammered out quarters and dimes and made little spoons out of them...when they were mostly silver. It's hard to beat the flash of pure silver underwater. I had a friend who lived up by Lake Tahoe and he went around buying up rolls of coins for the silver ones, about the time we went through the change...back in the mid sixties. He did a lot of ice fishing in the lakes in the Sierras and claimed that nothing worked better than his "two bit" lures.
That's pretty cool. I've heard of people making copper colored lures by pounding out a penny. Nowadays, there's probably not even much copper in pennies either! Pretty soon we'll have silicon change with embedded processors or something weird like that instead of metal -- who knows. Sorry I couldn't resist about the quarter remark.

[Tongue] Have a great weekend!
[cool]I know...just putting in your two cents worth.

Didja hear the joke about the kid who swallowed some coins. When the mother called the doctor he told her not to worry...that it would probably pass on through. She was to check the rusults of the next morning's "movement" and call the doc with a report. The report the next morning was "NO CHANGE".
[cool]Hey, Alex, I kicked my creative machine into gear, and came up with the solution to adding the front hook. My dad was an electrician, and his gameplan was always if something don't work...REWIRE IT. So, that's what I did.

The original models were made for small schoolie bass and large white bass that bust shad on Lake Pleasant, here in Arizona. Those fish were "tail munchers", so it never occured to me to add a front hook.

The basic design is a wire run through a hole drilled down the center, with the buzz blade rotating on the main wire. Since the original model was not made for potential big bass, I used fairly light (.022) wire, because it is easier to work with, and lighter weight. When I rewired...adding the swivel, split ring and front treble...I used heavier .035 wire, for added strength. It is rated at 240# test, so it should hold your "teener".

I have attached a pic, with text, to show you the new design. Think that might do the trick? I was thinking that in some instances you might want to push a sparkle skirt on the lower wire, before the split ring and hook. Other times, you may wish to change the treble to a worm hook and hook a tube or a grub behind the rig. Split rings give you more choices than molded in spinner bait hooks.

You will notice that I have changed the clear sparkle blade on one of the new models to a shiny metal one. The extra flash might help in choppy water. The original was designed for fishing calm flat clear water...for spooky fish that did not want too big a bait. It made the sputter without too much profile.

I have the epoxy coats curing on some of the new wave of buzzers and spinners. Will post up some pics when finished. That new sparkle chartreuse glitter coat I am trying will knock your eyes out.
[cool]I will make sure you get samples of the next generation of TD Creations.

Is there much topwater activity on Castaic Lagoon in the fall?
[cool] Hey TD, as a matter of fact, I just got back from the Lagoon. From sunrise till about 9:00am most of the action was on the top. Sounds strange but that's the way it went for today. Normally they are deeper but even the fish can change their mind and their schedule as you well know.

The LMB are mostly attracted to the deep to medium purple colors at the Lagoon. I have been through every other color buzzer with no action. It does call them to the breakfast table butt they don't care for the other colors on the menu.

I have been useing also those "Google Eyes" in the purple color and they are hitting it upon impact with the water. Nice action. I was just wondering if you could come up with something in purple for that area. Thanks and we'll see you soon.
[cool]Sounds like the fish are in the fall transitional stage. When the water cools off the shad come to the top to eat the bugs that fell in the water during the night. Sometimes some small bluegills feeding on top too. That brings up the bigger fish that need more groceries, and eat the little ones.

The apparent preference for the color purple is not unusual. I have fished several lakes where purple was the hot least a few months if not all year. If that's what the fishies vote for, that's what you put on the ballot.

The last few years in Arizona, most of the waters I fish are oriented towards two main baits...shad and crawdads. If the fish are not hitting one, they are feeding on the other. You either fish shad colors or crawdad colors. Purple does work on occasion, but I have kinda quit even carrying it on most trips. I have also let my stock of purple lures dwindle down. I have some purple jig heads and some purple worms, but I do not think I have one purple buzzbait or purple hardbait. I probably have fewer than a half dozen purple skirts (they clash with my red lipstick).

BUT...I just got some wild purple glitter that I have been wanting to try out. I will make up some various goodies in purple and send them over for you to introduce to the Castaic Purple Gang. You will have to get your own purple skirts or trailers. I will just be sending the Bussbaits and Spinnerbaits...with bodies and blades...and hooks, of course. I'll post a pic before I send them.

By the way, what the heck are the "google eyes" you are referring to? Is that an illness, something on the internet or what?
Hey TD...

I like the new design for the front hooks on that buzzer. I think that ought to do good...particularly with that heavier wire. I was able to fish tonight and test out the floating buzzer with the front hooks I put in the other night. I had 3 blow-ups on it...and caught 3 fish!! Yay!! Of course, all three were only 12 inches...but hey! At least I know the front hook makes a difference!! ALL THREE fish that I caught on it tonight...were hooked on that front hook. It worked like a charm! Let me know the progress on some of them new goodies you're makin' up...thanks again...
[cool] Hey TD, the Goggle eyes are the latest in plastics made by Mega Bait. They are like small minnows with good looking eye balls. They look authentic. Take a look at any of DaveTclown posts. There is an ad for them. If you want to try some out, let me know. They are not too expensive out here. Tell me what your color preference is as well. I will send you some. Here is a pic from Dave's post.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=938;]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=939;]

As you can see they have smoothe and vibration style with different tails as well.
[cool]I have several different plastics that incorporate some of the same features...and are good for dropshotting or Mojo rigs.

I just got some great looking "Wildeye Finesse Minnows" from a Tennessee shad colar that I think will be dynamite on the shad munchers over here. Here's a pic from Cabelas.

[Image: i117785sq01.jpg]

I probably will go through Dave's connection for some samples of the Goggle Eye. They look good.
[cool] Perhaps we can do a plastic workshop over there in AZ during holiday.
[cool]It will have to be in between turkey and fishing trips.
[cool] Just watch the ingredients carefully on the stuffing. No plastics there please.

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