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[size 3]We all know that crawlers are a good general all around bait. I have caught, perch,bluegill, trout,cats, smallies, and Largemouths on them.[/size]
[size 3]What have you caught with them and what did you do different from out of the ordinary?? Did you add attractant, garlic, anise etc........???[/size]
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I never go fishing without them. The last thing I caught with worms were Wipers. I have caught alot of carp with them also. I use worms all natural.
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I remember living in Utah. There was such an abundance of crawlers on the lawn at night after a good soaking. Thanks for the info. Have you ever done anything wierd to catch something with them????
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I caught a couple "pike minnows" in Montana last weekend. We thought they were some type of chub until we looked in the proclimation. They average 7-14" but the record is over 7lbs.
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I've caught just about every fish I can think of on nightcrawlers, let's see:
Perch, bluegill, green sunfish, white bass, black bullhead catfish, channel catfish, carp, walleye, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, crappie, rainbow trout, brook trout, brown trout, cutthroat trout.
Maybe I've forgotten some but I think that's everything. I've used mostly just ordinary techniques, such as below a bobber, with split shot sinkers, with no weight, with sliding egg sinkers or clear bobbers filled with water(either half or completely full), and using a 3 way swivel to put out two worms at once. I've also tipped jigs with worms. That just about covers it.
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[cool] Sounds like a high protein snack for just about any fish species. Thanks for the input. I am working on another chapter in my book and trying to gather info.
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A snelled hook, white anise flavor marshmellow, and a nightcrawler. Cast out and let sink to the bottom of lost creek res. has never failed me!!
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I had heard that WD-40 on a worm was a sure thing for cats at Utah Lake. So I tried it. I only caught one cat that way. But fishing was really, really slow for everyone on any bait so I actually out fished everybody that night. Is it really a good thing? I don't know, I've never tried it since.
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Sturgeon love them.
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The mighty night crawler. I think it can catch just about anyting. I've caught bluegill, crappie, sunfish, bream, catfish, carp, LMB, SMB, mullett, perch, turtles, trout (all the varieties in Utah), kokanee, walleye, wiper, white bass, whitefish, chubs, crawdads, and even a robin once. The robin tried to steal my worm when I set the pole down to clean some fish, when I looked up, the pole was bouncing across the field! I guess the worm got the last laugh on that early bird ] I've never used any kind of attractor on them, but I hear WD-40 works great.
I always used to collect crawlers from the lawn at night, now I'm just too lazy to stay up and catch them, so I just buy them at the store.
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Isn't wd-40 an illegal attractant in utah?
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I dont think WD-40 is illegal. If so I am breaking the law, I see people all the time using it
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I just checked the proclamation, and I can't see that WD-40 is illegal.
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Ok i was just allways under the impression that it was, something that it was harmfull to the fish, but if it is legal i might have to give it a try it never hurts to catch more fish.
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TD Jr, Old faithful I call them. Id devestate the trout population on the Upper Provo with them if there was no limit. I a real good wormer its them other new fangled things that get me stumped.
But seriously, I'll try anything but if it don't work out come the worms. I never go fishing without them. I've caught Trout, perch, catfish, little bitty wallys, SMB, Sunfish, Crappy, suckers, chubs, carp, bluegill...there is probably more.
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I have tried WD 40 many times and I have found that if the fish aren't biting worms the WD 49 doesn't help.
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Not meaning to start a controversy, but please don't use any fish attractant or bait, merely because the proclamation doesn't state that it is illegal to use them. Quoting from the can of WD-40 that is sitting in front of me: "CONTAINS PETROLEUM DISTILLATES. Harmful or fatal if swallowed." It would be a daunting task for the state to list and outlaw every substance that will harm fish.
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I agree with Kent on this one guys, and its not that using the WD-40 is against the law, As explainedto me by a DWR agent, its placing it on ANY item and throwing it into a lake that makes it ilegal. As kent pointed out it is petroleum based and, well they dont let you throw oil in the lake (cept for our outboards). It is against the law to place any petroleum based ANYTHING into any body of water. Now the DWR uses this to there ability cause they know it can increase the chances on fishing. so they say it is ilegal to use cause it cant go in the water. Make sense? Good deal. Also there is enough guys on here that know tom, just e-mail him and ask him.
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I agree with Icefool. Even though I tried WD-40 once many years ago, and it seemed to work better that night, that was the only time I've used it. I think a good old plain healthy worm is the absolutley most consistant and best bait all around for almost all fish.
I never considered the environmental aspect before. That is a good point but I think that compared to the amount of oil that a 2-cycle outboard leaches, out the quantity of WD-40 put into the water by fishermen is insignificant. But at any rate I think WD-40 is only a so-so attractant. I have no plans to use it anymore.
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It was down in Florida. I caught several soft shelled turtles just fishing off of the bottom. I was trying to catch catfish at the time, and the turtles would end up eating the worms. They have amazingly strong mouths, and it is next to impossible to get your hook out of their mouths. You either have to cut the line, or send them home to that great turtle pond in the sky. I had a neighbor, who was a good ol boy, who would beg us to bring him back any turtles that we caught. He made stew out of them...I never tried it.