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What a bummer for the Cubs. I thought they had it for sure. I was getting a cup of coffee and turned on the TV to see if it was in the 9th yet, when it all came apart.

First the fan, then the error by Gonzalez. The look on Dusty's face was too reminiscent of last years game 6 world series, when the Giants blew a 5-0 lead.

I know the Cubs have Wood pitching tomorrow, but the momentum sure took a 180. How do you beat a curse?

I hope they pull it off.

Go Sox and Cubs!!
[Image: a_cubs_ft.jpg]
Too bad he had his head phones on, probably couldn't hear someone yelling "DON'T TOUCH IT A-HOLE!"
you bet,...

you dont want to be wearing a green turtle neck swetter in the woods for the next hundred years. they show that guys face on every talk show and news braudcast at least a dosen times par showing, His face is on the most wanted posters by now.
I wonder if he even got out of the stadium alive. At least Jeffry Maher interfered for the right team.

[Image: a_cubfan_ft.jpg]
Look at the guy behind him. "Oh God No!! Not Again!!!?"
Man, of all the ways to lose a game
there is only one town in this country will that boy be safe after tomarow night if the cubs dont win. Ya know he wont have a job come thursday....[pirate] I hope for his sake he dont have to show up at work tomarow.....[unimpressed] His wife shold call in from across the state line in the mornnig with the excuse that he is temporily dead and wont know if it is perminant or not till midnight.
And they say Raider Fan is bad! [Wink]
i have removed all sharp objects from my house and gave my ammo to the next door neighbor . . just in case . .

as for the fan, well im sure it happened real fast, CRACK, 1-2-3 . .bang its over . . .he was just excited to try for the ball, it happens . .this morning i saw the footage of him being escorted out, amid the flying full beers at his head . . .

Was it really his fault? If the Cubs win tonight, then yes it was his fault. If they lose, then it is the curse. And if it wasn't him, then it would of been someone else.

He'll be forever immortalized with Steve Garvey.
Seeings how you can't decide which ship to ride, who will you cheer for this Monday night? Raiders or Cheifs? Do you just cheer for whoever is playing Denver and whoever has a winning record?
Um sir or maam, what ever you are. Um, I'm goning to have to ask you to leave with your Football statements. This is Cubs Baseball Thread.

If you want to call me out do it in a football thread or a private message.
I welcome all contenders. Or in your case pretenders!

Consider yourself moderated![Wink]
Damn Wick, layeth the smacketh downeth.

I dont blame the fan. Thats part of the game, otherwise they would put up chainlink fences to keep the fans away.
Excuuuuuuuuuusssssssseeeeeee meeeeeeee for interupting this thread with football. I want the cubs to win just as much as the next guy. Totally disappointed with last nights outcome in both games. I am a sir for your information.
Yeah, can you believe that guy (Crestliner) trying to tarnish this thread with his bronco babble. Obviously he hasn't read any of my posts.

There is no gray area, or fine line here. I bleed Silver & Black.
I could really care less about the Chiefs. And next week, I won't give a dam about the Vikings either.
Read em all and than deleted them from my head. If I remember right, last weeks football thread was overun by baseball fans. Does anyone want to talk hockey? just kidding.
OK, Steve Martin.... It's all good.

Kerry Wood, must be gripping right now. The whole city of Chicago and a 95 year curse riding on his shoulders right now.

And it's not like Florida can't hit this guy. Fridays game was a teeter totter. If Wood comes through (and I really hope he does), He will own the Cubs hearts over Prior, forever.

As, for Alex Gonzalez, he really is the goat here. He fields that ball, and turns a DP, and it's onlu one run, and Chicago (and a guy named Tony in Las Vegas) are still partying.

Go Cubs!! Go Sox!
[size 2] When Cubs head coach was asked what he thought about the kid who interfered he said," He must of been a Marlin fan "[mad][/size]

[size 2]And as far as the kid who interfered he was escorted out by Security and Police but not before being showered with beer and covered in food[sly][/size]
Yeah, Baker (the Manager) was in denial about the whole curse thing. Alou was way pissed. They got to put the whole thing behind them, which is going to be really hard to do.
one game, winner take all, nothing else matters, yesterday is over . . . the problem aint with a curse but the marlins bats . .

Yeah, I hear ya.

Did you read Jay Mariotti's column this morning?[size 2]

[/size][url ""][#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff][/url]
are sure the fans wasnt fealing sory for him cause they new was not going to have a job in the morning and was just trying to feed him his last meal?

at any rate he has earned a seat on the Lenno' show .. ouch... ouch... ouch....[pirate]

well at least there is some good fishng in florida... he will be welcomed there...

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