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UL this morning
I normally don't post about my UL trips anymore, but this rarely happens to me so i figured i'd share. Got to lincoln beach at around nine this morning hoping for some greenfish. I got my first one on my tenth cast, a nice one about 4#. I let her go and continued on. About two casts later i get a solid wack, and figured this must be a big one. I fought it for a minute then when it surfaced i was pleasantly surprised to see a fat toothy critter smiling at me. I fished for a nother half hour and landed another greeny and lost another. I never get walleye when i'm fishing for bass so i just had to share [cool]

oh yeah and all fish were released to fight another day
Congrats on the fish, both are very nice fish. The walleye looks to be in great shape. Nicely colored too.
Great catch always fun to pull up a suprise in UL.
By the looks of that walleye there is no problem with the forage base in UL. Nice catchin and releasin.......Fishon
[cool][#0000ff]We call those "Emersons" is emerson nice fish. Used to be something else in my younger years...but I forgot what they might have been.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Now you too are a member of the vast angling club that has caught a walleye "on accident". Maybe that's only half vast. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The walleye population is getting to be so large that lotsa folks are finding those toothy critters on the end of their line when they were expecting something else.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Nice work.[/#0000ff]
That walleye looked awful yummy to me as I was down showering in skunk smell at Lincoln this AM...I offered a Rap-ala if Westonator would let me eat that delicious toothy creature, but he is a fish hugger... and let her go... Sad

I respect that was his call, but my tummy doesn't forgive him...yet Smile

I tease because I care Smile
[cool][#0000ff]Walleye are like a lot of other things in life. The come to us in inverse proportion to our desire to possess them. The harder we try the harder they are to catch.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I used to use that logic whenever the purty girls went with the homeliest dudes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Keep trying. The ultimate victory makes all the effort so much more rewarding.[/#0000ff]
Ha ha thanks TD, hopefully one day i will be able to say i caught one out of there entirely on purpose.
[cool][#0000ff]Never look a gift fish in the mouth...or smell their breath.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Like they say about other things in life...all good, some better than others.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Looks like the green fish are doing well in UL. Hope they don't drop the water level down too low this year. [/#0000ff]
Thats not always the case or my wife would be a ten!!! [Wink]
[quote Dog-lover]Thats not always the case or my wife would be a ten!!! [Wink][/quote]


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