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I love carp.
[Image: Carp-2.jpg]

Orange Glo-Bug below a Goddard Caddis. Yup, they were slurping crap off the top and I got many a bump on the caddis, but couldn't get one hooked. Finally hooked one on a spent mayfly, but he broke it off pretty easy. Damn those little hooks.

Many thanks to FlyGoddess for helping with the landing and the picture. I wish she would've told me I looked like such a clown.

Didn't get a weight or measurement, but it took a good 15 minutes to get him in. This was the smallest of the day, and FG caught several that could've pooped this guy out pretty easily.
I thought it was vey manly that you wore that kilt. With the breeze however,not sure how you liked that...LOL Just kidding, they are shorts. I like the little handlebar thing going on.
Here is one before you got there

[Image: 100_0012.jpg]

Something about that Yellow Softhackle Glow Bug! But the Caddis was brilliant. It must have put the glow bug at the right zone.
Love it! So your gonna change your name to "carp love dave" now? Hahah!

As much as disn as those guys get - what a gamefish! Sorry, they might be a trash fish, but a trashfish with some serious tugs!!!!

Did you get a length on that pup? I pulled in a 31" (PB) on some 8lb test, lightweight rod - I was laughing out loud! Rip that line baybeee!!!!

Still wanting to fling the fairy want at 'em, see what comes!

And hey - with the handle-bar, if you get called into an old-timery brawl, you're all set! (don't worry, FG just has facial hair envy! [sly])
Sounds fun hope to get my first carp on a fly soon, good job guys and gals [sly]
Where do you go for these carp? And what kind of rig do you you throw at them? I bet that is so much fun pulling in those hogs
There are lots of places to get into them right now. The Jordan and Utah Lake are great, but I'm having a hell of a lot of fun just poking around the valley at any old ditch or pond that I can find. If the water is dirty, I will stop and watch it until I see some sort of fish activity. If I don't see anything within 20 minutes or so, I'll be off -- unless it's those damn cooling ponds at UL, I refused to believe that there were no fish in there. My bad. Anyhow, if you just follow the Jordan, you can find lots of ponds and off-chutes that are packed with carp.

As for rigs, I'm surprised at what they will take, which is just about anything. I've caught the majority of them on wooly buggers and glo-bugs, but have taken many with dry fly's including hoppers and ants, all the way down to size 20 griffiths. If they're slurping the surface, you can pretty much put anything in front of them and they'll take it. After I departed company w/ FG today, I noticed someone feeding ducks at a little pond. Don't worry, there were probably 10 carp just inhaling the bread from the surface. Can you say bread fly? I can.

If you can sight cast them, that's the best. Let the fly sink slowly in front of them and watch for them to turn to the fly and or watch for their tail to come up a little (which means they just rooted your fly from the bottom). Occasionally I'll find some aggressive ones that will actually chase down my nymph and smack it ala trout/whitefish. I find that it's usually the juvenile carp, 6 to 12 inches, that are aggressive like that.

Today I would put the glo-bug on first and then drop a very buoyant fly (goddard, for instance) about 18 inches off the bend of the hook. That will keep the glo-bug off the bottom in most still water cases and allowed me to pull it up a little bit to the cruising fish that were slurping the top.

Again, I'm a carp fan. I still can't bring myself to kill them though, which is annoying because I really need some Channel bait.
Serious tugs. I hooked into what I assume was a carp last night on an adams. After a quick, violent, run it came un-pinned. Thought nothing of it until I missed the next two hits when I felt like I'd set-up alright. Yeah, the dang thing straightened out my hook! Impressive. (not meaning to bogart the thread, just agreeing w/you)

Nice work,
No bogarting done, I enjoy reading about other people slaughtering them.

I found a little "pond" off of 35th S and I dunno, but it was just west of the Jordan river and stopped for 30 minutes or so today. The water is actually pretty clear, and you can see some TANKS in there. I couldn't get anything to hit a fly, but that's because I spooked them pretty badly upon arrival. I'm sure some of you have driven by this place many times, and there are signs of fisherman all over -- but if you're out and about in the middle of the day, it's a good challenge to try and sneak up on those monsters.

I also spooked about 10,000 juvenile fish, which I assumed were carp. They were perfectly blended in with the bottom when I came strolling up and they didn't spook until I started wingin' my wand around -- but damn, when they took off, it looked like the pond was boiling for the next thirty seconds. Pretty awesome, really. I don't think we'll have any problems catching carplets this fall...
Went to another spot today that a BFTer pm'd me. I had the one of the life time on. I had him! Back and forth. Got him put to net his head as that is about all my net can do, and gone....[:/] I had another on imidiately and then gone.... brought in the flies and I didn't like the hook on the glow bug. I think some kind of scud hook. YUP a bad egg!
So I swapped itnout for the new ones I tied last night on ALLEN 001 sw hook. BINGO! Fish on.
My camera just really sucks on macro shots, but I had to get this one for you Dave. It is a #12 Yellow Elk Hair Caddis I tied up last night.

[Image: 100_0025.jpg]

[Image: 100_0027.jpg]

Had about six by lunch time and called it good. Here is another

[Image: 100_0023.jpg]

We need to get out to Bountiful Pond sounds like.
Haha, yes! Carp on a caddis... Outstanding.
I want to go to bountiful pond let me know when you go I would love to catch a carp on the fly rod!

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