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So-so Starvation 6-1-12
[cool][#0000ff]Shoulda gone to Knight Hollow. That's where I always start my year on Starvation. But TubeBabe and I had already agreed to meet the "3 Amigos" at Bunny Gulch. That would be BFTer Hnaf, his bro in law Jason and Scott. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We were all there by 7 am and launched by 7:30. Air temp 50. Water temp 54. Glad we decided to bring waders. The usual brisk NW breeze in the morning. But it lasted much longer than usual. Then turned around with much of a calm at 10:30 and started to pick up from the east. Nothing serious but made us work harder to fish finesse.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe got the first fish jinx out of the way...while I was still getting ready to launch. Takes me forever to get launched when I have to help her too...about 3 times longer on average.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The dinkfest started as soon as I started dropping my jigs to the bottom. Got over 30 in the first hour and quit counting. Probably got a "grundoodle" over the course of the day. For those of you not fluent in the terminologies of higher math, a grundoodle is grundle squared.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Didn't bring in any perch over about 8 inches. Lost one walleye about 15 inches just as it reached the top of the water. Think I lost one trout after a short screeching run. That was it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]TubeBabe did catch one 14 inch walleye. Jason got the biggest about 18". Hnaf was top rod for the day with a 16" eye and a hefty go along with a few decent perch...but all underfooters.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Was really surprised by the lack of trout action. Only saw one or two hit the top and very few slipped by on sonar. I had only a couple of pops that might have been trout. Tubebabe had one on a spinner and lost it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I tried for trout. Used a bubble and fly for a while. Got a couple of dink perch. No trout...or even chubs. Also tried trolling spinners for a while. Again, only some pesky perch pecks. There were a couple of fly-rodders in pontoons that were dredging deep with black fly patterns and they caught a couple of rainbows. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Saw a lot more fish on sonar than I caught. There were some pretty big schools of perch...with some larger fish in the bunch. But the big ones were either too slow to beat the dinks to the bait or they had lockjaw. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Caught perch in depths from 12' to 35'. Fastest action was across the gulch along the shelf on top of the channel 17 to 19 feet. Walleye came from 17' to 25'.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water is still far colder than perch and walleyes like it. Two more weeks of warmer weather and we will start seeing faster action for all species. Guys are getting fish in some spots on some days but the wide open reports are still to come.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Next up...Knight Hollow.[/#0000ff]
Ahhh another classic TD report.....perhaps the bite in bunny gulch is better at sunset? Whats the matter TD...did you have to get back in time for matlock? [Wink]

Nice to see you did manage some fish....and even some walleye! If it does take another week or two to warm up than that will be perfect timing for the campout.

Thanks for your post Dude of Tubes!
great report TD sorry the bite was light. question for you, i have a humminbird 565, how do you tell a school of perch?
I hear ya on the Camp Out, to far to drive for a day, But I have had some killer days there in the past.
Water is definitely warmer in knight hollow. It was close to 60 in the afternoon when I was there yesterday. The bays across from the state park were only 56 right before we left.
[cool][#0000ff]Not a matter of time of day...usually. The fish are either there and active...or not. Smaller human teenagers...are always on the chew. Larger ones wait until conditions are suitable. Either that or they move to another part of the lake where conditions are better. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And that is the story of Starvation. It is a big lake and it helps to have a boat to move around and check out all the spots. I normally do not even fish Rabbit Gulch until July. But there have been a few catch reports and I am an optimistic angler. Shoulda knowed better. [/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]We usually plan to leave the lake by early afternoon. If we don't, then Mama Nature blows us off. Typical weather pattern is light breezes from the NW and then SW in the early morning...calming about 9...staying calm until about noon...and then easterly breezes building to whitecaps in the early afternoon. It was just starting to get "airy" when we drove off and by the time we went past Strawberry it was "popcorn". Okay if you are in a boat and can anchor out of the worst of it. Not okay if you are kicking around in a float tube.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Even in two weeks Rabbit Gulch will not be better than Knight Hollow for anything besides dink perch. And we usually spend time at Indian Bay before settling in at the Gulch. Some really big perch and nice walleyes...and Indian Bay in between Knight Hollow and Gulch time.[/#0000ff]
[quote fordkustom]great report TD sorry the bite was light. question for you, i have a humminbird 565, how do you tell a school of perch?[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Sorry. I forgot to reply to your question sooner.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I also use the HB 565. I usually have on the fish ID mode since that is the only way the dual beam works. So the fish show up as different sized fishy icons. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Interpreting what you are really seeing on the screen is a combination of experience and knowledge of the lake and the species. On Starvation (and some other waters) a very dense group of small fish icons...with a few larger ones sprinkled in among usually a sign of perch schools. On other lakes it could be crappies or other schooling shad in Willard.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I have found that seeing a few isolated larger marks on the screen is better than running through a mass of small ones. With too many competitive small fish around you can't properly present a lure or bait for larger perch or walleyes. The little ones swarm it first. But if you can finesse one of the larger ones it is mo bettah. The only positive side of seeing lots of small fish is that there are usually some larger predators hanging around the edges for the readily available food supply. The trick is to use something large enough to appeal to the large fish without being assaulted by the dinks.[/#0000ff]
[inline "SUSPENDED SCHOOL.jpg"]
sounds like fun a lot of blue writing for a tough day of fishing good job dude
[cool][#0000ff]Sorry you object to my choice of fonts and colors. Unlike SOME folks on this board, I do write a lot...for the benefit of those who like complete reports on current conditions, etc. I do not need or wear glasses...even at my advanced age. But I do try to reduce eyestrain when I can. And I have found that this blue color allows me to spend more time at the keyboard without going blind. In other words, I'm doing it for MY benefit...not yours. You always have the option of not reading it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But thanks for the kindly words. Probably the first I have ever gotten out of you.[/#0000ff]
When posts become as entertaining/ informetive and helpful as yours, and you always seem willing to help out a fellow angler. You can write in hot pink for all I care! Just keep um coming. Thanks TD
+1 [cool]
[cool] [#ff00ff][size 6]TANKS[/size][/#ff00ff]

[inline TANKS.jpg]
Thanx for the info TD. As for the color of your writing, it makes it easier to find the infor WORTH reading Smile And I will second the notion that due to the value of your info pink would be fine with me. Heck you could even change your profile picture to daisyies and butterflies
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks...but I ain't ready to move to San Francisco. Too late to be a hippy and not ready to join the "delicate" fraternity.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I'll stick with blue and try to make the stuff worth reading.[/#0000ff]
I would hate to have him change his avatar picture, to me that is TD.[cool]
[quote PACKFAN]I would hate to have him change his avatar picture, to me that is TD.[cool][/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]And I had such a good photographer too. I got a picture of him and his first mate...Lady B.[/#0000ff]

I may have the same big motor on my boat as you do. Mine is a 1999 175 Evinrude Ficht.
Had any problems with the big guy?

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