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hello all can anyone help me to try to get disabled fisherman and hunters free life time license
[cool]can anyone help me to get this started or maybe where i can look to find out how to get this passed into law? as disabled military can get one why not hard working folk ?
I am not sure I understand your question? Are you asking why a disabled vet can get a free license and why a hard working man cant?[unsure]
[cool]you hit the nail on the head, just tring to get a even shake from the goverment for everyone.
I am at a loss of words for this right now.

Your joking, right?
you need to right a letter your congressman. get a few other individuals to do the same. from the regulations I read from the mid section of tenn, I thought the license thing was pretty good. I saw that if you are fishing on your own land or a family members land you dont need a license. that is if you are lucky enough to have a stream come through your property.

I have a buddy just a bit notrh of you about a 100 miles I dont think he has to have a license to fish on his property eather. but dont hold me to that. you would know better than I do.

what you are asking for is a state level disision. the state is the one who has to tell the TWM not to charge the disabled or to give the disabled special licensing like a life time license.

you may be surprised to the responce you get if you just ask. they are always looking for social reform laws to pass.

michigan has a law that mentaly disabled do not have to have a license.
thanks dave i will try, i will be glad when you get here ,where are u looking to move to here?
Dont you think a disabled Vet who was injured protecting this land deserves a free license amongst other things? Yes I am active duty Air Force and it Saddens me to see Disabled Vets held at the norm.

I think the big thing is where to draw the line for disabled. Let me run a scenario by you.

A well decorated WWII vet who lost his leg in the heat of battle for his country. Should he recieve a free license?

A drunk driver hit and kills a 5 year old boy who was playing inocently in his front yard. The driver rolls the car and loses his leg as a result. This is his second offense for DUI. Should he get a license?

A yonger man is born with the disibility of not having a leg. He works hard and makes an honest living. Should he get a license?

Now, before everyone gets their panties in a bunch. I am not slamming anybody. Just throwing a few things out their. Just because one says "disabled" shouldnt cover the spread. I think the biggest thing is who would look at all the applications to see if their disablity is self inflicted.
[cool]thats a good point and i agree with it but i think we all serve america in some way or another and if you are disabled or than self distruction of self and others u should be abled to get one

Hi there daymere,

For good or bad I've been wanting to add an official California State Saltwater Gamefsh species to the list of California official whatevers. Our Saltwater fish is the Garabaldi.

I was told (and I have contacted her) I have to start my requst and proposal at my Districts representatives office to initiate a proposed bill into the state legislature. Seems like it's all political. What ain't!? Good luck to you and to me (I'll need it) ha ha ha

I believe you're saying you believe that a handicapped or disabled person should be given a lifetime waiver/license as does a disabled military person. It might be interesting to find out what percent disability would qualify a person. I assume if you've got handicapped automobile license plates you otta get the other licenses too!

[cool]not tring to start a war with the disabled vets,just tring to get equal rights for the truly disabled and help others like me that are disabled, vets,and everyone else that it is hard for
I am looking at dale hollow north fork national forest area.

budy you dont know how much I look forward to listining to chickens in the mornings again. I will miss the fishing here. but from what I can tell I wont be far away form some of the most productive trout streams in the us. and the waters of the biggest small mouth bass record.

Hi daymere,

I'm with ya. We're on the same page. Disabled is Disabled in any instance except disabilities received thru one's own serious, violent, criminal acts. California has a fantastic program for veterans with 50% disability and also those who are phyiscally disabled or developmentally disabled and or are being treated in state facilities that can receive reduced fees. Low-income seniors also qualify!!

Check out the California DFG website for their 'FREE AND REDUCED-FEE LICENSES' as a kind of start. Again good luck.

thank you for you words and support.
when u get her holler and i will see about tring to visit u and hit some of them streams too.
I agree with you in that some of those instanceses are apolling.

irregardless to the type of injury, I do not believe that any one is going to get them selves disabled just for a free fishing license.

I feal that every one has the right to fish for food. plain and simple. not sport or any other kind of sponcorship. fish for food only. the problem with being disabled places a major burdon on a persons ability to put food on the table because of the inability of being able to hold down a job.

the durnk driver will loose his leg and most certainly go to jail provided he hasnt the cash to buy his way out of it.

those of us who live with disabling physical conditions do have to live under extream conditions at times. you can beleive me when I tell you if It were not for my ability to fish I would have litteraly starved to death in this now what has become a city where I live. hence the reasoning for wanting to move to tennessee where I can live a humble existance with out fear of pregidous percicution by my nighbors.

I dont mind buying my fishing license cause when I put it agains the cost of buying fish sticks I am by far ahead.

as stated above, I belieave fishing for food is acceptable while fishing in any program for sport should require a license.

daymare you may want to state this in your request to your congressman when sending your request.

Hi davetclown,

Thanks for that back-to-earth grounding that hits right at the heart of things. I've been lazy and not looked into exactly what the 'right to fish' political movement I've heard of recently is all about but it sure sounds like they might have a somewhat similar tenant in their ideas as you so aptly spoke of.

Now if I can just climb off this high horse without breaking my neck!

and this is the problem with the world today. I'm sorry, But I hold Disabled Vets above all. I guess its a military thing thats why so few understand.
[size 2]I had a lot of family and friends over in Vietnam, many are dead now. Family and friends in ww2 most are dead now Friends and family over in the gulf war.

Many who have come back missing parts of their lives, a hand, foot, paralyzed from the waist down, nerves shot from chemicals and stresses of war.

They all had one thing in common, they all believed they went over to fight for the rights of all Americans, not just those who served during combat and came back disfigured maimed and disabled. When asked if they would go again knowing now what awaits them when they get back? Not a one of them hesitated to say they would be the first in line.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe disabled vets deserve allot more from our government that what they are giving. More so in the compensation for the quality of life (living standards) the government finds no problems paying for damages done to other countries, I believe they can afford to take care of its soldiers at arms. What we don’t need is one person who has more rights than any another.

If you don’t believe me go ask some one who is disabled from their service to our freedoms and rights as Americans. They went to the front lines because they believe not because they were looking for a free fishing license.

My great great great great great grandfather Capitan Robert Messer gave his life at the gallows prior to the war of independence to protect those who lead the proceedings of the Boston tea party, He could have turned on them at any time and gone free. He chose to pay the ultimate price with his life for a nation not yet born.

Of all the families who served during that time and received lands after that war of independence the Messer family received nothing in regards to composition for time served and life given. It was a mater of rights not the quest of fame and fortune that guided those soldered of yore,

Though I was not able to serve, it was not for lack willingness too. I served here at home and made sure what I built in the shops were the best quality product I could make so I could rest assured that I provided was the best possible tools for them that I could provide with my skills.

Remember life’s dangers lurk everywhere, not just on the battlefields. Many a friend has lost limb and life laboring in the shops.

It is Sad when some one gets drunk and runs over a kid (I have a brother and a sister who was run over by cars) But friend even those who served in the armed forces have committed the vary same crimes that those who have not served.

In Michigan if you are in the service and are on duty you do not need a fishing license to fish Michigan waters. It doesn’t matter if you are a resident or not. If you are on leave you may fish Michigan. This is not a right given to those in service but more a respite for those on leave seeking relaxation and time to remember what they are fighting for at home and abroad.

in short people do understand quite a bit for not have serving.[/size]
onn this descussion i will have to say i agree with teroy . our service men and woman now have to purchace a license , these are people who can , may and are , called upon to put there lives on the line at a moments notice without any way to decline putting there lives in peril .

police and firemen do the same thing , but they also have some say so in a threatining situation , they very rarely use this option thou .

as for our disabled brothers and sisters , the problem i see is the abuse in the system that comes from the people who certify a disability .

drug addicts - disabled , drunks - disabled , gamblers - disabled , overeaters - disabled , i have a buddy that is on social security permanate disability because he's a compulsive liar , he went on that after welfare cut him off . i had another buddy that died of cancer recently after waiting 5 years after it was diagnosed with the deasese , no s.s. for him .

now before anyone gets mad , my cousin was born with a severe handicap , he will most likley perish during his early teen years as his body starts to develop . he can't talk or take care of himself . he's a special kid for sure . for people like him i would fight to the death to get laws like this passed , but for some jerk working the system to get free-bee's , well untill there's some legislature done to rid the system of these low down parasites , i will have to decline .

nothing sickens me more than seeing some fat slob wearing his mr.t starter set , in a towncar parking in the handicaped zone , buying his junk food grocerys with foodstamps , all because he's overwight . then you see the old grandpa or grandma buying off the day old rack after walking from the back of the parking lot . well that just burns my biscuts !

there needs to be some serious reform done to the system . those that need it can't get it , those that know the system and don't need it get it .

if there were a provision to keep the bottomfeeders from participating in this i will be more than happy to help .
that is certinly a heart felt reply. and I fully understand your misgivings. and yes there is always going to be the scum bags and bottom feeders who will take atvantage of any given situation.

this is Sad but a true fact of life. yes I personaly know a man who weighs 450 pounds scarffs down on junk food, goes to mcdonalds and orders 3 bigmacks and a large coke to wash it down then for desert he has 6 apple pies. but if you were to put a vegitable on his plate he would sceram bloody murder. I know this because I did, I put a couple spoons of green beans on his plate at a barbique and he threw a kniption fit, litteraly. yes because of his weight he is handicaped because of the strain he alone places on his heart just by mataining his junkfood diet.

yes it is apauling and sickining realy. but the right to fish act is for the benifit of the disabled and low income individuals. who for some reason would rather go out and gather their nuts and berries from the wildernes instead of using foodstamps. emagin if that 450 pound junk food addict had to go out and catch his dinner off the river. you know in the first week he is going to loose 50 pounds just trying to get to the river. this is no joke.

and this is where lays the problem, yes there are those who abuse the system, but what about those who dont. is it right to make those who dont abuse the system suffer for the sake of those who do abuse the system?

this falls in the same catigory as the rights of due prossess, you are presumed inocent till proven guilty. to presume you are guilty or in the case of discussion here not disabled untill you can prove it. (this is the case in this country) till you can prove you are disabled you will spend your entire lifes savings before you are able to receive any aid at all. In the case of the fat man I speak of, he stuck it to the auto industry. he draws 3 times what I get for disability, he has a wife who dose not work, and in just a few years he will be able to draw another 2g's per month ssda compisation.

he has been on this for more than 10 years, emagin the kind of money the auto industry would have saved if they locked him up and placed him on a diet.

point being he will never go fishing. he would loose too many fat cells in the process. yes he drives a 50k van, his second in two years.

the point here is realy that those who rather go to the river to catch thier dinner in my book is a by far better human being than some one who stocks up on kfc in the freeser.

so if you give a disabled or low income man a fishnig pole and a spot to catch his dinner he will do his dammedest to go out and get it. you give a fat man a fish and tell him to cook it, he will starve to deth because it aint cooked allamode.

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