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Lost Rod and Reel
Dumb mistake. While fishing the rock garden on the Weber Sunday my rod & reel went swimming without me but I saved the flys.. Reward if found. Call (801) 479-6104.
Good luck! I hope you get your gear back.

You should also post this on the Utah Flyfishing board and the Utah General Fishing board.
Years ago on Lake Texoma my fishing buddy lost his new fishing outfit over board. He got out this large hook with a heavy large lead weight molded to it. We dregged the plugs along the bottom. It took him about 15 minutes of dragging it along the bottom over and over to hook that "pole" and pull it up. Impressed the heck out of me. I thought it was gone forever.

You might take your spinning rod up there with a few such plugs and dredge the bottom snag the line or the rod it self. Because it is rocky you probably will want several of plugs because you will hang em up in the rocks. My guess would be it did not drift far before the reel got hung up on something.

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