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fished scofield today
we fished scofield today ice where were was 3 to 4 inches with 6 inches plus slush and in places we found heading to the island was wher the ice was less this was the first time ice fishing where we could fish above the ice we had 6 inches of stand water in our shak when we would throw the fish back down the holes they would often swim around the area before going back down the hole i woud not take small children yet as they will get soaked and that would end your trip early a friend of mine said b.s to the fish swiming in the shak so heres the pictures

also we fished in about 8 to 12 feet of water jigs tipped with worms we iced more than 50 to 60 fish lost count we moved around due to standing water dont get me wrong we had fun, but we got soaked
That's a good looking cutt. I can't believe all that slush.
my son inlaw caught that it was one stout fish only 19 inches the slush made it hell to get around
I love fishing in my hut, but holy goose crap, you could literally fish in your hut! Sucks to high noon, but what a live well!
Depends on where you go to fish. I was there also, but we were at the dam arm. I was in the opening where it dumps into the lake. Ice was over 8 inches thick, 6 inches of powder on top, no slush. Take the kids there. Fishing isn't as fast, but still fast enough to keep their interest. I even took my snowmobile onto the ice. We fished in 23 feet of water. Worms worked the best on a red ratfinky. Meal worms were ignored, wax worms were okay. Started at the North end of the lake (state park) where there were a few tents setup. We did not get out, but it appeared from the parking lot that there was no slush there either. Sounds like the island area is a good place to avoid for a few more days.

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