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How many years have you been fishing?
How many years have you been fishing?

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Guessing about 55-years (will be 60 next month). [Smile]
I'd have to say close to 30 years. I've been fishimg since I was a little guy.[fishin]
Since I was 3 years old - so 39 years, damn I'm feeling old!
Let's just say since I was 3 and leave it at that[Wink] But Fly Fishing the majority....think I would be much better at it[laugh]
I started when i was 3 lol But I'm only 17 so 14 years but I fell in love with fishing the second I hooked my first trout.. [Smile] and it all escalated from there.
[fishin]been fishing over fifty years
I wish I have been fishing for that long just so I could have the knowledge that comes with it..
i had my first pole when i was 2 i'm 34 now
I have been fishing for about 20 years. Over the last three years, I have started to take the sport/hobby much more serious. I have learned more in the last three then in the previous 17.
Over 55 yrs
I have been fishing for 23 years. My Dad was talking me since I was about 2 years old and I take all three of my girls all the time. I started going by myself probably around eight. I would go up the canyon on my bike tie my fishing pole to my handle bars and put the worms in a plastic bottle and put it in the bottle holder. Good old memories.
I been fishing about 60 years.
Started when I was 4 or 5 years old with my grandpa using an old cane pole for cats, so that would make 60 years as I will be 65 in June. Great memories[fishin]
I'm 34 so it,s somewhere around 30-31 years.. I have twinn 2year olds so they are getting ready to start this year. My son keeps saying every time he sees a pond daddy is getting me a fishing pole and taking me fishing... Talk about a proud daddy. My little girl says i want to see the fishies...
22 years, since I was 5. Now I get to teach my kids how. My 2 year old got his first cat fish and loved it!
Probably about a little over 20 years, loved fishing big time since I was in like the 7th grade [bobhappy]
Been hitting the water since I could hold a pole
Been fishing for about 35 years, dad would take me and my brothers out to the bay to sit on the rocks and fish for cats when I was just wee little. Now I take my 11 year old son as often as possible and my 6 year old daughter keeps asking when we are going ice fishing. Love being a dad.
I'm thinking probably about 65 years. I remember going to the creek on the farm, cutting a willow stick, tieing on some store string and a hook and a worm and catching fish. When I got my first zebco33 I wouldn't let my brother touch it. That old reel still works. My grandson used it about 10 years ago.

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