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Kayak Sturgeon fishing in NB, Canada
Hey guys,

Just wanted to cast out a post (pardon the pun) on sturgeon fishing in NB Canada. I'm lucky enough to live 30 away from one of the best sturgeon fishing spots in Canada and get out regularly in kayak. Being my first year kayak fishing here, I had hoped to land one this summer. Currently my count is at 41, with I think 8 being between 40 and 50 inches in size!

Hooking into a large shortnose sturgeon in kayak is a blast, as these guys will fight. My largest (caught in 14 ft boat versus kayak) was 49.5 inches and jumped clear out of the water twice like a salmon during our fight.

This past Saturday night I managed to land 9 in kayak, with 6 of them being of the Atlantic variety. I had thought that species of sturgeon rather rare in these parts, but apparently there is a good run of them on right now. The biggest Atlantic for me was 39 inches, but a friend of mine hooked into what must have been one several feet longer as it carried him about 300 yards over 30 min before eventually getting free. My friend was using 17 lb line on a smaller rod which is typically fine for shortnose. Hooking a large atlantic was not something we expected!

Anyway, Oct through to when the river freezes over is prime sturgeon fishing in these parts. It's been a fantastic season thus far and at least one more good weekend to go (looking at the forecase for next weekend). I'm hoping to break the 50 mark!

GOOD LUCK Joe, go get that #50. and welcome to the site. Love to see some pictures of your catch and your ride.
Hi flygoddess,

Have added a couple more pics. Here's one showing the ride.

AWESOME!!! That is slick.

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