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Oh Deer
[size 3]Woman Cited for Honking Car Horn [/size]

GREENSBURG, Pa. - [font "arial"]A western Pennsylvania woman who honked at hunters because she was upset they were in a tree stand that had been her late grandson's will be cited for illegally scaring deer. [/font]

[font "arial"]

Norma Kramer, 77, of Export, Westmoreland County, will be cited for "creating an intentional interruption of the hunting process," according to a state police report.

Kramer said she drove her 1987 Oldsmobile across a field and stopped under a tree stand where a man and his wife were hunting.

Though they had permission to hunt on her relative's property in Salem Township, they didn't have permission to be in the tree stand, Kramer said. The stand had been her grandson's, who died in a hunting accident six years ago.

"I made up my mind that I was going to cause them all kinds of trouble," Kramer said.

But when she confronted them Monday morning, she said the woman yelled that she saw a deer and for her husband to shoot it.

"There was no deer. She just said that to get a reaction from me, and it worked," Kramer said. "I guess it's against the law to blow my horn and scare the deer. If I'd have known that, I wouldn't have done it. I just hate to see deer killed."

If convicted of the second-degree summary offense, Kramer could be fined up to $500. [/font]
What a wacko. Probably a lifetime member of PETA. [crazy]
well, i think i see lot more goin on here than just her not like the killin of deer, and not likin huntin!! her granson was killed in a huntin accident! my god! in that same tree stand, those peoople were in!! how would you feel if it was yours!! my god. i,d hate to say how i,d feel. i have no idea and don,t want to. and pray i don,t, have to find out. have some compassion here.i think maybe she has to have somethin to blame, so the nearest thing is deer huntin now. i,d hate to say if it was my grandson how i,d feel too. thank god it isnt mine, or yours, but the pain, the guilt, of knowin her grandson was goin huntin, and she probably didn,t think this was gonna happenin to him. but the fact it did nad she allowed him to go huntin without expressin her feelins toward it makes her feel somehow responsible, because she is a grandmother. but before this she probably thought it was good fer him to go and didn,t mind him goin, didn,t think somethin like this would happen,before.or thought he was old enought to go alone in his treestand. but accidents happen, and that,s hard to take when somethin like this happens and you allow them to do what they love, till it hapens. all i can say is i believe so how i,d feel, i,m not her, but my god i can imagine how she feels now. i don,t blame her, they say don,t judge, or put down till ya walk a mile in someone elses moccasins don,t they?? i feel fer her. and just the fact that they were in the same tree stand that her grandson was killed in probably brought that all back fer her. they also didn,t have permission to hunt out of that stand. all that land and they couldn,t find another spot to hunt from?? what kind of people are they?? what a tragedy. my god, i pray fer her. i feel sorry fer her, and hope and pray i never have to deal with somethin like this. have some compassion. and thak god it,s not yours. but fer her to be cited on lettin a deer go or not, my god i don,t think much of those people or that cop fer doin it to her.she,s 77 years old fer god sake, i hope their proud of themselves. hope they like lookin in the mirror in the mornin! seems though they could have some compassion and understandin on how she feels,especially when there on their peoples land, and they know the situation. to cite her. that,s ROTTEN. sounds like the cop and those people to me ought to look over what,s most important in this old world just to think about thir wants and needs when someone is still goin thru somethin like this. and to still let people hunt their land? that takes balls to cite her fer that. they wouldn,t never be huntin on my land again. they allowed huntin even after their son was killed their and her grandson. what kind of people are they, not much to me. whether it,s six years or 50 to me it would seem i,d never be able to git over it either. i don,t blame her, she has that right anyways it,s the relatives land anyways. more power to her. that cop could of refused to cite her. if he had any decency. what,s this world comin to when ya got to do this to someone who,s hurtin? what that sayin kick em when their already down, well i don,t like people like that, they aint much in my book.and too bad i weren,t there, i,d a hepped ya gramma! whether i hunt or not. and i do. but i got some morals. where,s there,s?? how do ya like me now. haha
Well, I understand where you're coming from, and I feel for the loss of her grandson. I can't even imagine how horrible that must have been. That still doesn't justify what she did though. Of course I agree with you that the Officer shouldn't have written her a citation, it seems pretty ridiculous. I didn't even know there was such a law that says you can't scare away deer when someone is hunting -- it's kind of weird anyway. But as for this woman's actions, she was still completely in the wrong.

First of all, the article never said that they didn't have permission to be in the tree stand. It quoted this woman as saying that. She was NOT the landowner, it was a relative of hers, and that relative had given these two hunters permission to hunt on their land. I bet the tree stand wasn't even mentioned. If I was hunting and I saw a perfectly good tree stand to use, I would probably use it too!

Also, the article never said that her grandson died in that very treestand. All it said was that he died in a hunting accident. That could be anywhere. Maybe not even on the same piece of property -- who knows. We can only speculate since the article didn't specify.

Don't get me wrong, I think the whole situation was ridiculous. She shouldn't be cited for something so silly. But she did bring it on herself by acting ridiculously too.
[size 2]I personally do not hunt. I do fish, but I release 90% of what I catch. I do not have any animals mounted on my wall.[unsure][/size]

[size 2]What I catch I eat or give to a friend. I do not have an issue with someone who hunts when they eat the meat.[Wink][/size]

[size 2] I do have an issue with people who kill an animal and mount it's head on there wall. I think that is sick. To do that sells you kill for pleasure and obviosly there is something wrong there.[crazy][unsure][/size]
To each his own! lol [Tongue] I actually hunt for several reasons. Let me list a few of them:

1) Yes, I hunt for the meat, although I don't need it I like to eat it.

2) For entertainment and yes, pleasure!

3) For relaxation. I never feel more at peace and in fact closer to God than when I'm out in the wild with his creations.

4) It's a great way to create lasting relationships with fathers, sons, brothers, sisters, etc.

Basically, for the same reasons that I like to fish as well. It's good to hear people that don't participate, but that respect others wish to do so. There are too many of the "other kind" of people out there.
[size 2]Ah.[crazy][/size]
hey catman,! haha hear ya! i do too. but i got my horns hangin on the wall and everytime i look at em i member that day. and it was one of the best days of my life. i remember the walk up the mountain then back down thru how cold it was, and the cold brisk wind thattouched my face, the snow that strted fallin, and rememberin the day when my stepfather gave me the old model 54 winchester he gave me, and what he said when he gave it to me, another one gone, he said you are who you are, and i want you to have this gun so,s you can have as many memories as ihave had with it. it was passed down from his father to him, when he was a boy and went huntin with him. and just cause nobody else thinks you should hunt, i want you to be able to go. see bein a girl up here was meanin ya don,t go huntin and fishin, well al believed in me, and we had good times. other,n gramp when i was little who learned me. but he died when i was young, so al came into my life. and he was a father i never had, so ya, i,m glad those horns are hangin. i also remember, the time of day it was and all the animals i see, down the way, and how my ma, now gone, had us put the deer in the trunk of her new car, snow up the ---- ying yang, haha, gittin in her wheelchair out to the car, and how she said we,re gonna go braggin!! haha we,re goin to your fathers she said haha, and all the way down thru town with the winders open, middle winter she,s hollerin! SEE WHAT MY DAUGHTER GOT!! HAHA i,ll never forgit it, course all the kids the guys that go huntin i know, grew up with, haha and how ma was laughin. haha all the way. down to everetts, i guess i,m too much like her. and she loke me. haha ya, i,m glad those horns are hangin!!! aint a day goes by i don,t look at em and member my day! and all those memories that go with it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 [Tongue][Smile][cool][Wink] haha guess that,s why we got goin on gramma, and mothers last nite. haha did you enjoy that?? hahahhaha later ?? haha could you sign back in?? got little hot. haha
Hey lou,

Thanks for sharing -- a great story! That's exactly what hunting means to me. Lots of memories with my dad and brothers. I can still remember the day my dad took me on my first hunting trip with him. I was only 8 years old. I had so much fun! It was cold and windy, and we hiked a long way, but we got a nice 4 x 6 point buck. Then we had to drag it for 400 yards up a steep hill with just my dad, me and my 10 year old brother to pull. It took us nearly 4 hours to go that 400 yards and I was so tired by the time we were done, but I was happy. I couldn't wait to go next year. Now, every year I look forward to hunting season, even though it means time off from fishing. [Tongue]
Hi Lou,

I too hunt and for the very same reasons you and catman have listed. When I see the trophy on my wall I can reflect back on that particular experience. It's much the same when I cook a roast, or bbq a steak from one of the animals I've harvested. We should display those racks as trophies. It is part of the animal and to do anything less would be a waste. Not sick. Right releaseit?
I don't hunt, but I don't think mounting a head on the wall is sick. Everyone I know who hunts makes use of everything, even the heart. They eat that like the Indians do. Many years ago that was the only way to eat. (hunting, not eating hearts)

I think just killing an animal just for the hell of it and not doing anything with it would be sick and wasteful.

And I have also read that if no one ever hunted, the animals would have more problems with over population. Their is a right way to hunt and I think the people who come to this site are doing it right.

And now as a moderator, doesn't this thread belong in the hunting section?
[size 2]Dope.[crazy][/size]
finally i git to write you back. haha somehow my computer didn,t work fer quite sometime.well,your welcome, and yes there,s no better reasons to hunt. and i have a hard time after my fishins done cause i know theres only short time we can hunt and then the winter blues start edgin in on me! haha i hate that. i git so uptight i just want to bust. ia have to git out. and just take and do the walkin thing. watch the snow fall and feel and smell the wonders of the woods. and the nature and see how there fendin. well i,ve done some thinkin of what jack and i can do after deer season.. well i figured we can go coyote huntin. haha this is a laugh. haha well, 2 idiots out in the middle of the field, with a recordin waitn fer the coyotes to come to in. haha jack and i got to laughin so hard they won,t be around fer days. or a week. i told jack, what if there was bout ten people sittin round the area there with these new voice boxes all callin back and forth, and they all git goin at the same time. those poor deer coyotes would be runnin right back and forth scat as all heck not knowin what to do. or which way to go. hahahaha, which way did he go george? we got laughin so, the tears was runnin down my face likely freezin there it was so cold. with that wind whippin. good day though. just to be out after all the christmas {in house stuff} i hate to be in more,n a 3-4 days, i go crazy. never been a {in house person} ya know what i mean. hope you had a good christmas and new years. later sorry it took me so long to write ya back.[Smile] hahaha [Wink]
hey bud, sorry haven,t writ ya, computer as i said wit catman. i hate it when they go down. i don,t have nothin to git ticked at, when the timin comes. haha as you,ve figured already. haha i guess i can when i have to. haha i guess bein like ma said too much indian and french and irish in me after ma.mostly the indian. haha warpath time. haha well anyways i,ll git to the subject. what your talkin, is the sportmanship of the huntin and what it boils down to. it,s called the respect, the love of life, and nature that we all feel when we,re out there. and even when we,re eatin him. if ya can,t then theres no need of huntin eat. it doesn,t mean anythin to ya only to eat. lifes got to mean more than that. if we care about life, and those that we enjoy bein sharin time life with. what,s the sence of livin if ya don,t have these things to remind us of those memories. right?? and if the time comes when we don,t have anyone else left to share them with, well then we go out and find some new to go share em with. to make more memories. it,s called the cycle of life, don,t ya figure. that,s what happened when i met my jack. mom died and my son went to florida, and there was nobody, so i did just that, and found a good one. we go do everythin together. and i,m the happiest i,ve ever been in my life. [Smile]haha so i hope you also had a good christmas and new year.s later, mare
hey guy, yessa i agree, to use everythin. i eat the heart too. it,s good, and no bones, i git kinda the wild blood flowin in me, haha , the spirit, of it hha ifeel like hoppin on my pony and ridin like the wind again,. haha just bullin, haha anyways, have you ever had tounge?? that,s good too. it learns ya how to talk like a deer, and call em in better, ain,t ya ever tried it?? hahaha just bullin. ya got to cook that good i find, same as the heart. the other i could eat raw wouldn,t bother me none. like it blood red. cause i have ate it right off the deer hangin. it,s good. ever tried it?? dont knock it till ya tried it. haha anyways, i will agree as fer as the peolple who are here, are pretty good at knowin what it,s all about, haha but there those that just don,t git it out there, nd if we can hep in anyways to git to see the sportssmanship of hunters, and huntin is, maybe we,ll gain somethin in the long run by heppin em see, that there are good ways and bad. it,s the way they hunt, not huntin itself. did i say it right so ya understood it?? that theres more to it than just a shot. sone don,t have others to learn, hep em, so somebodys got to hep em. why not us. if they happen to sighn in here, later [Wink][Smile] and that we,re just heppin em look at things different. cause everybody has choices.
well, i guess, there,s also another angle of lookin at it too? what about these people who don,t like us wearin fur coats any more?? that,s a part of a deer too. i would love a deer coat, and the gloves. i just never had the money to make one out of muy deer. but if i,d of had the money to do with i wuld. is that hangin the deer head on your back?? haha to me, if your gonna use that deer, use everytin that,s on him. if ya can, and as fer as those that don,t like me wearin a fur coat, we,d be tanglin by the time i got done with em. haha. i have a bear coat. and i,d like to see em try to git it from me. haha but that,s another subject hahahaha. later[Wink]
HAHA TO EACH HIS OWN I GUESS HAHA. think open, that,s why we have freedom of speech haha. lets just take 'er easy. huh?? haha i,m the one that generally gits hot here. haha then we,ll bull about it later. haha i did lonehunter so we,ll see if he,s gonna write me back haha. i do like everybody, haha know you do to, it,s just learnin. later[Wink][Smile]

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