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Sacramento Perch pictures
Hopefully i uploaded these pictures right, they are not the greatest of quality but it will give you some idea of what they look like, The best way I can describe a Sacramento Perch is a Crappie on Steroids.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]WOW! Monsters! I'll go perch fishing if they look like that! Thanks for the pics![/size][/font]
Wow, what a wopper, I would think if there were perch that big in Utah, people would dive the length of the state to catch them. I wonder if there is any left in that lake, anyone know? I guess I could call the DWR and see if they know. WH2
From everything I've read, the sacramento perch is actually more closely related to the crappie and sunfish family than it is to perch. So your description of a crappie on steroids is pretty acurate.

Cool fish though.....I think I may try to seek some out this summer. Someone told me once that DMAD Res. has a few of them too.
I never even heard of Sacramento Perch until the other day. I too was wondering what they were. Mystery solved with pictures. They are called Tilapia or the American name Nile Perch. I didn't know they had them here. They are a scream to catch, the ones in the pictures are big ones, although I've seen some in Egypt that are 25# or bigger in the fish market. The biggest one I've gotten was maybe 3#s. It fought like an Angry feral mule on coke. Look at the side of the fish and the surface area, imagine a bluegill that size and thats what they fight like. Copper colored castmasters were the ticket.
hey were those caught in utah? just curious since i think only two lakes have them here. those are some huge sacramentos and even bigger if they were caught in utah.

hey ifg i dont know about names but the fish in the picture isnt a tilapia brutha. hehe hate to break the bubble here but that is a sac perch. lets see what kind of fire i can start now haha.
hey nile perch grow to over 300 lbs in egypt. seen some pics of them they look real similiar to a barramundi except bigger and different coloration. with some voracious looking teeth i might add.

I might be wrong, they sure do look like Tilapia to me. What ever they are called, I want one. Remember, Tilapia in Sanscript (arabic but a dialectic) might mean the same thing as Trout to us. I don't speak Arabic. When the guide says Tilapia, and makes the throwing motion, even Gods are hard pressed to argue. If those things (whatever they are) are here, I'm going to get a few. They look like a hoot.
hehe well ill go with you since i have never caught one either. when are we leaving?
Hey thanks for the pics. For years and years I've seen Sacramento perch in the proclamation, but I just always assumed they were very similar to yellow perch. Hmmm, looks like fun to catch.
Nile Perch get very big, and are found in Africa. Sacremento Perch are native to california and are the only native sunfish west of the Rocky Mountians, and are not that common, a couple of res. in southern Utah have them check the DWR site to find out with ones. They are in the Sunfish family but are less evolved then bluegill or crappie or any other sunfish species, so they tend to be less aggressive in feeding and nest building/gaurding. They easily get misplaced in waters that have bluegill.

Check out this Sites [url ""][/url]

[url ""][/url]
[url ""]FishBase[/url] is a great source of info on fish. Enter Sacramento Perch as search term and see what you get.
They seem like a fun, tough fish. Do you know if they are more active for fishing in warmer months or in the cold months. I could definitely look into getting some interested fisherman and heading to the border for these fish!!!
hmm the last link was interesting. i didnt realize they grew that large. that would be a beauty a 10 lbs sacramento. wonder if our lakes that were planted actually grew some decent size ones.
one link says 10 lbs !!! the other link says 1440 grams max weight known = 3.17 lbs

calf record is [size 1]3 lbs 10 oz[/size]

and it sure aint no tilapia...

From Fish Base - world record from Pyramid Lake in 1971, if I remember right.

Lahontan Cutthroat.
wow i didnt know anybody in nevada had a world record, thats cool ,thanks!

Do we got any lakes in utah that have Sacramento Perch in them? I thought we may have one but I'm not sure.

if thats the calfornia record then there is no way they get 10 lbs. must be something wrong with the info.
it was a flyfishing website i believe so it said up to 10 lbs on the sacramento perch. they were only 6 lbs off what the heck. hehe

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