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Willard Live Lake View camera
I just got off the phone with one of the owners of the company that runs the live lake view cameras. I was trying to find out how much it would cost to get that camera up and running again. Well as you can imagine it is not cheap but it is do able, if we can get enough members interested in paying the fees, they can get it up and running again. Please respond to this thread or send me a PM if you are interested in getting this camera up and running again, thanks. [url ""][/url]
How much will it cost?
How many members would need to donate how much money to get it running?
Who paid to get it up in the first place?
Where are the friends of Willard Bay when we need them?

It would be nice to have it running again.
fees? im sick of paying for something our tax dollars are supposto go to,,,aka the park is closed and you still want me to pay,,??,,for WHAT!!! need more money?? quit wasting it on stupid shit..
^ ^

Seriously, why can't everything that is good in this world be FREE?!
???? Whatever gave you the idea this had anything to do with the State? Lake View is a private company that only gets paid with advertisement dollars, just like BFT. It sounds like you have some major heart burn about the state you live in but when is anything in life free!!! Have you ever been to the Lake View web site? This is a site that is very useful for checking out conditions before you go to a certain body of water. Have you ever driven to a place to fish, only to find out the weatherman was wrong and the wind is blowing so hard that you can't fish? How much does a wasted trip cost you? For a lot of us that fish Willard and many other lakes this is a useful tool and well worth having. I'm simply trying to judge the interest in how many people would be interested in trying to get the camera up and running again. If no one is interested, well so be it but it has been down for over a year now and I just thought a few members might like to see it up and running again. If this is stupid idea to you, well thanks for your reply and have a good day but for those that might be interested in having it working please reply, thanks.
TBDave, I'm sure you want to rethink that.

If the good things were free, would that include Rolls Royces? Caviar?

YOUR talent and labor?

No No No.
First of all, I have no talents, and I certainly never labor. I do, however, like to post sarcasm on message boards that do not allow personal attacks, regardless of how irritating and/or dumb some people are.

I love you though. No sarcasm.
[quote zman2]fees? im sick of paying for something our tax dollars are supposto go to,,,aka the park is closed and you still want me to pay,,??,,for WHAT!!! need more money?? quit wasting it on stupid shit..[/quote]
+ 1
Pack it in
PM sent.
We have enough people running around taking photos of both members and none members while out enjoying the sport and then posting the pics on certain web sites, unlike the news reporter who ASKED to take some pics and a few in our group declined and one agreed to to which he made front page in the paper.
Any how there is enough resources to find out about willard conditions (the y call them cell phones) without a bunch of lurkers on the lake view cam, besides why not put out the effort on something like cleaning up the garbage that is along the shore or doing some volunteer work to better the fishery.
We need to put back into the resource instead of all ways just take out of! [Wink]
Thanks for voicing your opinion Kent, so far it is a 50/50 split on those that want the cam and those that don't. The cost of getting this cam up and running again and keeping it going for a year is $2000. If I could get 50 people willing to pay $40 each or $20 every 6 months we could get it working again but it is not looking good so far, so you might get your wish.
[quote TroutBumDave]^ ^

Seriously, why can't everything that is good in this world be FREE?![/quote]

we'll get there. Everything else Star Trek has predicted for use and envisioned for the future is coming true over time. Think of Lennon's imagine, 'can you?'

Warp Speed!
[inline "Trek Visions.png"]

But it's still ok to fire at Will! (poor Will, but btw - Will doesn't work at Willard in case anyone's wondering)
[inline "Fire at Will.png"]
Dave, the unofficially accepted way to denote sarcasm is with a green font.

But I forgive you, because I can't get the &%#>& editor to produce the green font.
[quote RockyRaab]Dave, the unofficially accepted way to denote sarcasm is with a green font.

But I forgive you, because I can't get the &%#>& editor to produce the green font.[/quote]

They (the editors) must not like you.[/green]

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{[/green][size 4][green]⦇[/green][/size][blue]°>[/blue]
Oh, I've had my difficulties with editors over the decades, believe me, LOL! (Any writer does.)

But I can't figure out how to get a colored font. I click on the A and then on a color. Nada. I "Copy" text and click on the color. Nada. Either way works on any other website I use. Not here.
[quote RockyRaab][font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][size 3]Oh, I've had my difficulties with editors over the decades, believe me, LOL! (Any writer does.)

But I can't figure out how to get a colored font. I click on the A and then on a color. Nada. I "Copy" text and click on the color. Nada. Either way works on any other website I use. Not here.[/size][/#008000][/font][/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]Rocky,

You have to first type your words, then press your mouse LEFT button and hold it down and run your cursor over the words you want to change color, size, and font on, THEN (and only then) click on the 'A' and then select color, size, or font in the box that opened when you clicked on the 'A'. At least that's the way it works for me in either IE or FF.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
[green]This site has value in so many areas; it boggles the mind.[/green]
thanks for clearing that up for me thought it was the state doing it. and yes I have issues with how the state is being run... don't you? but its all good thanks.
[quote wiperhunter2]Thanks for voicing your opinion Kent, so far it is a 50/50 split on those that want the cam and those that don't. The cost of getting this cam up and running again and keeping it going for a year is $2000. If I could get 50 people willing to pay $40 each or $20 every 6 months we could get it working again but it is not looking good so far, so you might get your wish.[/quote]

Wait... So They want us to Fund the repair, and then fund the running of the camera?
Do we get a split of the ad-profits too? Sounds like we're buying into the business on this one.

How do the other Camera's they manage stay running?
Yes, after the repair is made we would have to pay just to keep the camera up and running. That is how the company makes money. If we could find a company that was willing to share the cost, they could advertise on that site because BFT does not need any advertisement imo. That is one of the reasons the Willard cam is not working, the company that use to pay to advertise there quit paying, so when the camera quit working they did not bother fixing it because no one was paying. I would be fine with just a none movable camera or one that took a pic every hour but the guy I talked with did not sound like that was an option.

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