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Expensive Trip to Sand Hollow-Quail Creek
Made it to the St George Marathon but didn't run it. Hit the Sand Hollow dam and worked it and had some success - after I rubbed shrimp scent on the lures. I'm not saying it helped but it didn't hurt. Crawdad was a good lure. Be careful how you walk on the small rocks, they give way. I slipped 3 times. The 3rd time I fell in up to my shoulders and drenched my camera and phone - $300 loss. Never really did like Sand Hollow. Paid a $10 entry fee. Water was wayyyy low. The island was really easy to get to.

I moved over to Quail creek and fished for bluegills from a raft (that kept on sinking).
Caught a bunch of very large bluegill - up to 11 inches and they put up a great fight. Camera was broke so no pics of them. The hung around the buoy line, away from the shore in about 30 feet deep. Can't wait to go again. No bass caught there.

Also pre-rented a room for 2 nites, $214 and the other couple couldn't make it, leaving me paying for the whole thing.
Wow definitely expensive trip..[crazy]
Did you try the rice in a baggie trick for your camera?
Sorry to see that you had all the setbacks.
I hope that your next outing will be better.
Those were some expensive SMB fish tacos. Peppers Cantina does a descent Cal Mex fish taco for a lot less[laugh]. At least it wasn't your vehicle in the drink like what was posted from Strawberry.
Thanks for posting your report and pics, too bad about all the set backs but you know the saying, In every life, some rain must fall, well you got all the rain at the same time[Sad]. Were you planning on running the St George Marathon? Glad you at least got some fishing time in.
Well it certainly could have been could have gotten SKUNKED!
[quote TyeDyeTwins]Well it certainly could have been could have gotten SKUNKED![/quote]

Been there done that [laugh]
I put the phone and camera in rice in a container and set it on top of my car ----- then took off. When i went down the road and heard the noise hitting the trunk, that was the last chance of life for my stuff. I picked them up from the road and they were goners.

I did that with my previous cell phone with the rice bit and it didn't work that time either.
Doesn't your camera/cell have a SD card?
Were the bluegills on the east side of the lake? I'd like to catch some bluegills over at Quail. Fish tacos sounds good. Last weekend, I found some worms around my neighborhood to bait my jigs so I'm hoping the fish like them. Sorry to hear about the camera and phone.

I keep my phone in the vehicle and just use the camera. I only take one set of keys when out on the pontoon boat. Try Aqua-seal on the raft to patch up the holes. I found some at a dive shop of all places.
I didn't have an SD card in my phone but I did in my camera so I saved the pics.

The bluegills were a little out of casting distance from shore, right around the buoys which was about 70 feet from shore. I was surprised how big they were and especially how hard they fought. All the ones I caught before were closer to shore and smaller. These would've been great to fillet.
That sounds like a blast. I just purchased some waders yesterday and am looking forward to trying them out with the new float tube. Checked on the nightcrawlers. They are still alive so maybe by next week I can go out there and get some action. Were you using worms on a jig? That is the plan for me right now.
[quote Marathonman]I put the phone and camera in rice in a container and set it on top of my car ----- then took off. When i went down the road and heard the noise hitting the trunk, that was the last chance of life for my stuff. I picked them up from the road and they were goners. [/quote]

Oh - that's just painful, on top of the rest of it all. Ah pity the fool! And trust me I've had my share of dunce-cap adventures, so I mean that - I feel your pain, and I'm sorry.

Lately I feel like the harder I try, the bigger the hole I dig. Seen phones fly off cars, just shared a story of a brand new model iPad that took a leap of faith. It dented, but didn't bend.
I always dread donating a $5+ lure to Davey that never kissed a fish. That ain't right!

Better luck next time? Couldn't be worse, right?

[inline Snag.jpg]
I just used a size 12 hook and fished it 6" off the bottom with a split shot. Whats wierd was that the heads of these bluegills reminded of pirhanas, even the color.

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