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They came!!!

They saw!!!

They kicked but!!!

They took names!!!

Not a bad birthday present for the 81 year old Titan's owner....[cool]

I am liking my new home team better and better every day.
I thought you lived in Michigan[Wink]
I do, but that is only a temporary disposition. My house is up for sale, and I am moving to the Dale Hallow area of Tennesse...

good fishing, good hunting, and good foot ball, and my own privet strech on two different rivers and my own privet stocked hybred blue gill pond. plus I get to raise a chicken or two... can life get any better?[cool]
[cool] What town is that by Dave ?
well the nearest town is 20+ miles from me in any direction.

I am plannin on being so far out there even the Amish would feal isolated....(I wish)

yep, no doubt about it, I will be reporting to BFT from "BFE" kinda like where you live. only 25 degrees wormer.

no ice fishing, but I will be well compencated with the world largest smallmouth bass and dandy cat fishing, and my own trout stream. with cakes on the grittle[Tongue] there wont be any funny funny riddle that I am gonna be a country boy.... lol

some where over by fairveiw.....
Hey dave that sounds like a nice little place you will be moving to, i know what you mean about raising chickens, my parentd do and now that i am away from them i miss the chickens and the fresh eggs.
I sure miss them,

I visited a buddy in tenn about 4 years back. I got up an hour before the ruster just so I could be out side to here him crow at the break of dawn. that o'l ruster was more than a mile away, and I could hear him as if I was standing just out side the barn door.

where I live now, I can hear the tv unless it is 3/4 blast. with all the gun shots and trafic roalling down the road.

cant wait to get back to the simple life. may be slower, but that would be a welcome change of pase.

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